
Arne Follestad
Stilling:    Forsker

  Telefon: +47 934 66 704
Område:  Land og naturmangfold
Forskningsgruppe:  Fugl og fornybar

Populasjonsdynamikk, bestandsovervåking, høstingsbiologi, gjess, sjøfugl. Effekter av naturinngrep. Effekter av restaureringstiltak. Beiteskader. Konsekvensanalyser.

Population ecology, behavioural ecology, monitoring (time-series), coastal ecology. Geese, seabirds. Environmental impact analysis. During recent years, major assignments have included ecological studies on population dyna-mics and management actions (hunting regimes, agricultural conflicts between farmers and geese) related to the Greylag Geese and other geese, and environmental effects of large wind-mill farms planned along the Norwegian coast. Major experience also covers seabird studies connected to their breeding biology, mapping of seabird distribution inshore and at open sea, by-catch of seabirds in fish nets, consumption of discards from fisheries (EU-project), environ-mental impact analysis of offshore petroleum activities, and oil spill contingency planning.


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Arne Follestad

Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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