
Manuela Panzacchi
Stilling:    Seniorforsker

  Telefon: +47 909 11 097
 Arbeidssted:  Samfunn og vilt


My research interests lie mostly at the interface between behavioral ecology - in particular movement ecology - and conservation biology. I am particularly interested in the effect of anthropogenic development on species’ spatial behavior, habitat use and landscape permeability. Currently, I am working on new approaches to identify animal movement/migration corridors. I am also interested in human-wildlife conflicts, and in approaches to support adaptive management and sustainable development.
My work is conducted mainly within a large project based on GPS-monitored wild mountain reindeer and other species (e.g. moose) in Norway.

I am currently leading the RenewableReindeer project (NFR-funded), and contributing to Toppforsk, ProdChange, AdMan and other projects

Funcional connectivity, movement ecology, spatial ecology, GPS data, movement corridors, Sustainable Land planning tools, Green Infrastructures, habitat selection, ungulates, carnivores, human-wildlife conflicts, sustainable development, adaptive management, reindeer.


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Manuela Panzacchi

Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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