Publikasjonsliste ansatt

Andre publikasjoner

Scientific publications

Öberg, S., Mayr, S. & Dauber, J. 2008. Landscape effects on recolonisation patterns of spiders in arable fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 123, 211-218.

Öberg, S. 2007. Diversity of spiders after spring sowing – influence of farming system and habitat type. Journal of Applied Entomology 131, 524-531.

Öberg, S. 2007. Spiders in the Agricultural Landscape. 2007:25, SLU, Uppsala. (PhD-thesis).

Öberg, S., Ekbom, B. & Bommarco, R. 2007. Influence of habitat type and surrounding landscape on spider diversity in Swedish agroecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 122, 211-219.

Öberg, S. & Ekbom, B. 2006. Recolonisation and distribution of spiders and carabids in cereal fields after spring sowing. Annals of Applied Biology 149, 203-211.

Öberg, Sandra. 2002. Interactions between two ladybird species attacking a host alternating aphid. Department of Ecology and Crop Production Sciences. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. No 52. Uppsala. (MSc thesis).

Popular publications

Öberg, S. 2008. Spindlar i odlingslandskapet – mångfald, återkolonisering och kondition. Fakta Jordbruk 3/2008.

Öberg, S. 2004. Spindlar - viktiga nyttodjur i trädgården. Faktablad om trädgård-fritid, 104.

Öberg, S. 2003. Spindlar - biologi och roll i biologisk bekämpning. Faktablad om växtskydd - jordbruk, 114 J.

Öberg, S. 2003. Spindlar som biologisk kontroll. Forskningsnytt 4, 18-19.

Publikasjonsliste for Sandra Øberg


*Cassel-Lundhagen, A., Øberg, S., Ekbom, B. & Högfeldt, C. 2009. Species-specific primers for predation studies of the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae). - Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 1132-1134. Vis detaljer
Gjershaug, J.O., Rusch, G.M., Øberg, S. & Qvenild, M. 2009. Alien species and climate change in Norway. An assessment of the risk of spread due to global warming. - NINA Rapport 468. 55 pp. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), Trondheim. Vis detaljer
*Øberg, S. 2009. Influence of landscape structure and farming practice on body condition and fecundity of wolf spiders. - Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 614-621. Vis detaljer
Ødegaard, F., Sverdrup-Thygeson, A., Hansen, L.O., Hanssen, O. & Øberg, S. 2009. Kartlegging av invertebrater i fem hotspot-habitattyper. Nye norske arter og rødlistearter 2004-2008. - NINA Rapport 500. 102 pp. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), Trondheim. Vis detaljer

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