Barton, D.N. et al. (2024) Kartlegging og verdsetting av bytrærs betydning for økosystemtjenester i Bodø, Kristiansand og Oslo. NINA Rapport 2391.
Barton, D.N., C. Garcia Madruga, G. Garcia Blanco, A. Sopelana Gato (2023) Overview of policy instruments and business cases for enabling restorative NBS. INTERLACE Deliverable 3.6
Barton, D.N. et al. (2015) Economic valuation of ecosystem services for policy. A pilot study on green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Report 1114
Barton, D.N. et al. (2015) Naturen i Oslo er verdt milliarder. Verdsetting av urbane økosystemtjenester fra grønnstruktur. NINA Rapport 1113
Barton, D.N., Vågnes Traaholt, N., Blumentrath, S. (2015) Materials and methods appendix for valuation of ecosystem services of green infrastructure in Oslo. NINA Rapport 1115
Chen, W. et al. (2019) Verdier i Oslofjorden: Økonomiske verdier tilknyttet økosystemtjenester fra fjorden og strandsonen». NIVA-rapport 7420-2019. (oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet med bidrag fra URBAN EEA)
Cimburova, Z., Barton, D.N. (2021) Testing GIS data-driven mapping and valuation of recreation areas in Oslo. Spatial modelling for urban ecosystem accounting. NINA rapport 1931
Ellefsen, H. (Ed.)., Barton, D.N. (2019). MOT EN BLÅGRØNN EIENDOMSUTVIKLING? «Stresstesting» av Blågrønn Faktor på utvalgte case studier i Bærum Kommune. Oslo: Arkitektur og designhøgskolen i Oslo
Figari, H., Krange, O. & Nordbakke, S. (2019) Bruk og tilrettelegging av urban natur. En kunnskapssyntese. NINA Rapport 1684.
Hanssen, F. et al. (2019) Mapping urban tree canopy cover using airborne laser scanning – applications to urban ecosystem accounting for Oslo.NINA Report 1677
Horvath, P. et al. (2017). Blue-Green Factor (BGF) mapping in QGIS. User Guide and Documentation.NINA Report 1445
Junker-Köhler, B., Gundersen, V., Bærum, K.M., Barton, D.N. (2025) Recreation 'home range': Motivations and use of green spaces along an urban-peri-urban continuum. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 49 (2025) 100838.
Kopperoinen, L., Barton, D.N., Costadone, L., Hurskainen, P., kurse, M. & Lai, T.-Y. (2022) Urban experimental ecosystem accounting pilot in the Nordic cities. Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2022:557.
Krange, O., Figari, H., Gundersen, V., Bendiksen, E., Venter, Z. (2016). Bruk og vern i Østmarka. NINA Rapport 2016.
Lauwers, L. et al. (2017). Accounting for urban trees. Updating the VAT03 compensation value model. NINA Report 1453
Nollet, A. et al. (2021) Accounting for amenities and regulating ecosystem services of urban trees. Testing a combined field protocol for VAT19 and i-Tree Eco valuation methods. NINA rapport 1948
Reinvang, R, Barton, D. & Often, A. (2014) Verdien av urbane økosystemtjenester: Fire eksempler fra Oslo. Vista Analyse Rapport 2014/46.
Stange, E.E., Venter, Z.S., Dillinger, B. & Sydenham, M.A.K. (2019) Kartlegging av grøntstrukturer i Nye Stavanger kommune. NINA Rapport 1706.
Vitenskaplige artikler
Barton, D.N. (2023) Value ‘generalisation’ in ecosystem accounting - using Bayesian networks to infer the asset value of regulating services for urban trees in Oslo. One Ecosystem e:85021
Barton, D.N. et al. (2021) Brukerfinansiert klimaberedskap? En beregningsmodell for overvannsgebyr i Oslo. Vann 4/2021
Barton, D.N. et al. (2017) Monetary valuation methods in urban ecosystem accounting - examples of their relevance for municipal policy and planning in the Oslo metropolitan area. Conference: London Group meeting, “Methodology of SEEA CF and the Ecosystem Accounts”At: 17- 20 October 2017, Costa Rica.
Berglihn, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E. (2021) Ecosystem services from urban forests: the case of Oslomarka, Norway.Ecosystem Services 51 (2021) 101358.
Cimburova, Z., Blumentrath, S., Barton, D.N., 2023. Making trees visible: A GIS method and tool for modelling visibility in the valuation of urban trees. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 81, 127839. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2023.127839
Cimburova, Z., Barton, D.N. (2020) The potential of geospatial analysis and Bayesian networks to enable i-Tree Eco assessment of existing tree inventories. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. Volume 55, November 2020, 126801
Cimburova, Z., Berghauser-Pont, M. (2021) Location matters. A systematic review of spatial contextual factors mediating ecosystem services of urban trees. Ecosystem Services. Volume 50, August 2021, 101296
Cimburova, Z., Blumentrath, S. (2022). Viewshed-based modelling of visual exposure to urban greenery – An efficient GIS tool for practical planning applications. Landscape and Urban Planning, 222, 104395.
Davey, M.L, Blaalid, R., Dahle, S., Stange, E.E., Barton, D.N. & Rusch, G.M. (2023) Seasonal variation in urban pollen resource use by north temperate European honeybees. Urban Ecosystems.
Garnåsjordet, P.A. et al. (2021) Urban green. Integrating ecosystem extent and condition data in urban ecosystem accounts. Examples from the Oslo region. Statistical journal of the IAOS 37 (2021) 1247-1274.
Gómez-Baggethun, E. and Barton, D.N. (2013) Classifying and valuing ecosystem services for urbanplanning. Ecological Economics.86:235-245.
Hanssen, F. et al. (2021) Utilizing LiDAR data to map tree canopy for urban ecosystem extent and condition accounts in Oslo. Ecological indicators. Volume 130, November 2021, 108007.
Kruse, M. et al. (2021) Making urban ecosystem mapping accessible to the public: the urban nature atlas of Oslo (Norway). Reptes i oportunitats de la infraestructura verda metropolitana. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona 2021 ISBN 978-84-92940-49-3. s. 185-189.
Laszkiewicz, E. et al. (2022) Valuing access to urban greenspace using non-linear distance decay in hedonic property pricing.Ecosystem Services 53 (2022).
Massoni, E.S., Barton, D.N., Rusch, G.M. & Gunersen, V. (2018) Bigger, more diverse and better? Mapping structural diversity and its recreational value in urban green spaces. Ecosystem services 31, 502-516.
Stange, E. et al. (2022) Comparing the implicit valuation of ecosystem services from nature based solutions in performance-based green area indicators across three European cities. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume 2019, March 2022.
Stange, E.E., Zullian, G., Rusch, G., Barton, D.N. & Nowell, M. (2017) Ecosystem services mapping for municipal policy: ESTIMAP and zoning for urban beekeeping. One Ecosystem 2: e14014.
Suárez, M. et al. (2020) Environmental justice and outdoor recreation opportunities: A spatially explicit assessment in Oslo Metropolitan area, Norway. Environmental Science and Policy 2020 ;Volum 108. s. 133-143
Venter, Z.S., Hassani, A., Stange, E.& Castell, N. (2024) Reassessing the role of urban green space in air pollution control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(6).
Venter, Z.S., Gundersen, V., Scott, S.L., Barton, D. (2023) Bias and precision of crowdsourced recreational activity from Strava. Landscape and Urban Planning 232.
Venter, Z., Figari, H. Krange, O. & Gundersen, V. (2022) Environmental justice in a very green city: Spatial inequality in exposure to urban nature, air pollution and heat in Oslo, Norway. Sci Total Environ. 2022 Nov 13; 858(Pt 3): 160193.
Venter, Z. et al. (2020) Hyperlocal mapping of urban air temperature using remote sensing and crowdsourced weather data. Remote Sensing of Environment Volume 242, 1 June 2020, 111791
Venter, Z. et al. (2020)Linking green infrastructure to urban heat and human health risk mitigation in Oslo, Norway.Science of The Total Environment Volume 709 20 March 2020, 136193
Venter, Z. et al. (2020) Urban nature in a time of crisis: recreational use of green space increases during the COVID-19 outbreak in Oslo, Norway. Environmental Research Letters
Venter, Z. et al. (2021) Back to nature: Norwegians sustain increased recreational use of urban green space months after the COVID-19 outbreak. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume 214, October 2021, 104175.
Venter, Z. et al. (2021) Interactive spatial planning of urban green infrastructure - Retrofitting green roofs where ecosystem services are most needed in Oslo. Ecosystem Services, Volume 50, 101314.
Master- og doktorgradsoppgaver
Brastein Halvorsen, J. (2019) Characterisation and typification of urban ecosystem types. A test of the NiN system. Master Thesis, UiO Naturhistorisk Museum
Cimburova, Z. (2022). Capturing the context: Developing GIS methods for modelling the ecosystem services of urban trees. Doctoral thesis, NTNU
Haavardsholm, O. (2015) Valuing urban ecosystem services. A contingent valuation study on street trees in Oslo