

Experts from across Europe meet in Trondheim to discuss integrated ecosystem assessments

Publisert: 13. juni 2024
Tekst: Trine Hay Setsaas

From 17-21 June, 85 transdisciplinary experts from 31 countries across Europe meet to discuss how to improve the uptake of scientific knowledge on ecosystem services by decision-makers in business and in policy. 

Experts from across Europe meet in Trondheim to discuss integrated ecosystem assessments

The importance of biodiversity, healthy ecosystems, and the services they provide has increasingly been acknowledged by Governments world-wide.  

To improve the uptake of scientific knowledge on ecosystem services by decision-makers in business and in policy, the EU-funded Horizon-project SELINA integrates ecosystem mapping, ecosystem condition indicators and ecosystem services models, as well as ecosystem accounting, and provides policy-relevant recommendations and guidance to stakeholders.

SELINA (Science for Evidence-based and sustainable decisions about Natural capital) has been awarded 13 million euros in EU funding. With a consortium of 50 partners from all 27 EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland, Israel and the United Kingdom, it offers an unprecedented opportunity for international cooperation and transdisciplinary knowledge-sharing.
Project duration: 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2027
Keywords: biodiversity, ecosystems, ecosystem services, natural capital accounting, evidence-based decision-making, transformative change
More information on the SELINA project here


SELINAs fourth thematic workshop will take place from 17-20 June 2024 in Trondheim, Norway, hosted by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). The workshop will address knowledge needs of stakeholders and encourage peer-to-peer learning among ecosystem service assessment practitioners and knowledge users.

Our aim is to increase the likelihood that stakeholders use ecosystem service assessments at different points in project and policy cycles, says David Barton, Senior researcher at NINA and head of the organising team.  

During the week, the public will also have the chance to attend an open seminar "Ecosystem accounting in support of sustainability-related targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework", organised by the SELINA project.

Want to learn more and participate in the public seminar? Sign up here

Contact: David Barton

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