
NINA news

Peatland restoration and conservation – lessons from northern and central Europe

Publisert: 14. august 2023
Tekst: Admin

An international team of researchers and restoration practitioners will get together in Trondheim, Norway to discuss the most relevant issues of contemporary peatland research and management. 

Peatland restoration and conservation – lessons from northern and central Europe
Photo: Juliet Landrø/NINA.

Time and venue: 21.8.2023, NINA-huset, Trondheim

General: Registration by 17.8.2023
Registration - Peatland seminar and field excursion 

Contacts:  Hanna M. Silvennoinen and Anders Lyngstad

Scope: An international team of researchers and restoration practitioners will get together in Trondheim, Norway to discuss the most relevant issues of contemporary peatland research and management. We will be addressing Norwegian and Nordic aspects of peatlands but will also discuss the most relevant international findings from international team, mainly from Poland and Central Europe. The topics of presentations and discussion include the ecology, hydrology and biogeochemistry of near-natural and restored peatlands, as well as introduction for pluviculture (wet-farming) including the novel value creation options it may provide. We cordially invite all of you, who are either working with or interested in peatlands, water, greenhouse gases, ecology, environmental policy and management to discuss these topics with us.

Organization: The seminar is provided in the framework of following projects

  1. FORCE that received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (grant No. 2019/34/H/ST10/00711).
  2. PEATWAY funded by the Research Council of Norway (decision no: 336041)
  3. BIODIVERSA+ funded projects PRINCESS and ReVersal (Nr. 2021/03/YST10/00093) 
  4. “Protection of valuable ecosystems of Bory Tucholskie” financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for 2014-2021 under the “Environment, Energy and Climate Change” Program of the EEA Ministry of Finance 2014-2021. 
  5. PEATFLAMES, Funded by National Science Centre, Poland, Nr 2021/41/B/ST10/00060


11:30 – 12:00: LUNCH (Restaurant at NINA -huset)

12:00 -12:05:  Welcome address - Signe Nybø, Research Director, NINA (AMFI)

12:05-12:10:  Welcome address - Tomasz Okruszko – Vice Rector for Science, SGGW (AMFI)

Chair: Hanna Silvennoinen

Challenges in peatland conservation and restoration: the global and European perspective – Wiktor Kotowski

Identifying tipping points and critical transitions for ecosystem functioning in peatlands - Mariusz Lamentowicz

FORCE - Natural peatlands, water, gases & climate – Mateusz Grygoruk
13:10-13:30: BREAK

Chair: Mateusz Grygoruk

Novel value chains and climate change mitigation from paludiculture – Nordic perspective – Kristiina Lång

Hay fens - traditional paludiculture in Norway - Anders Lyngstad 

PEATWAY  & PRINCESS – Paludiculture effects on ecosystems -  Hanna Silvennoinen

14:30-15:00    Discussion

15:00-15:30    BREAK

Chair: Mariusz Lamentowicz

Expanding Ecosystem Restoration in the UN Restoration Decade – status and plans for Norway – Dagmar Hagen

Carbon calculator for peatlands – Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide

Wetlands, water management & climate change – where are the pitfalls? – Tomasz Okruszko

Restoration under pressure – years of experience in mitigation of stakeholders in peatland restoration in Kampinos, Poland – Michał Miazga

Changes, changes and changes. Managing largest Polish wetlands – lessons from preparation of management plan in Biebrza National Park – Piotr Banaszuk

POSTERS (17:00 – 19:00, AMFI)
Chairs: Wiktor Kotowski & Anders Lyngstad

19:00    DINNER (Restaurant at NINA-huset) 

Poster list:

  • To see the unseen – geophysical research of mires - Grzegorz Sinicyn
  • Peatlands in pine plantations - Katarzyna Marcisz
  • Using remote sensing products to assess peatlands subsidence - Pouya Ghezel Ayagh
  • Numerical approach to wetland hydrology - Krzysztof Kochanek & Maria Grodzka-Łukaszewska
  • Charcoal production in medieval central Europe and its environmental consequences - Michał Słowiński
  • High-resolution record of past hydrological changes and fires in Estonia - Harry Roberts
  • Restoration of wetlands in Polish forests - Agnieszka Gawron
  • Assessing the hydrological success of bog restoration in Norway - Marta Stachowicz
  • #MoseVis: social media pen pals, undead bog bodies, painting and music – creative communication to evoke interest and empathy for peatlands - Fia Bengtsson & Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide
  • Controls of soil functions and greenhouse gas emissions in rewetted peatlands - Emilie Gios


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