
NINA news

Cutting-edge social science research explores biodiversity prioritisation
21. desember 2023

First Outcomes from the PLANET4B Project Shed Lights on Theories and Methods Explaining Biodiversity Decision-Making 

Reproduksjon reduserer lundenes overlevelse ved høy alder
6. mars 2023

Tilbakegang for bestander med lav ungeproduksjon kan bremses noe av at de voksne lever lenger.

The World’s best method to capture and store carbon
16. desember 2022

Nature does the job for us, for free.  But, in the search for good measures to compensate for man-made greenhouse gas emissions, carbon emissions from disturbance or loss of biodiversity caused by these measures are often not included in the calculation.

Det glemte klimatiltaket
8. desember 2022

Verdens beste metode for å fange karbon - finnes allerede! Naturen gjør denne jobben for oss. Gratis.

Vannkraftutbygging har endret Eiralaksens gener
28. oktober 2022

Ved hjelp av genetiske analyser, lange tidsserier og statistiske modeller har NINA-forskere dokumentert menneskeskapt evolusjon i en naturlig laksebestand.

Lice traps on the Hardanger coast
25. juli 2022

Researchers at NINA and NTNU have developed a new method for monitoring salmon lice larvae along the coast. The lice trap is now being tested.

Må flytte etter lyset eller finne mat i tussmørket
26. januar 2022

Hvordan finner sjøfuglene mat nok for å overleve vinteren? I en studie av kolonier i Storbritannia, Island og Norge har forskere ved hjelp av lysloggere avdekket at toppskarv har ulike strategier for å takle mørketiden.

Well managed protected areas assist waterbirds on the move
25. januar 2022

In response to a warming climate, many species are shifting their range norhtwards. Protected areas play an important role in helping bird species to adjust - if the sites follow a clear management plan.

Storskarv og mennesker konkurrerer om leppefisk, men ikke torsk og sei
25. august 2021

Storskarven er en fiskespisende art som har blitt beskyldt for å ha store negative effekter på lokale fiskebestander. Nylig har forskere fra SEAPOP undersøkt gulpeboller fra storskarv samlet inn langs norskekysten og avdekket at storskarvene spiser like mye leppefisk som fiskeriene fanger.

DNA-monitoring improves knowledge on large carnivores
15. mars 2021

For more than 20 years researchers have used DNA to gain more knowledge on large carnivores in Norway.

Can nature be restored?
29. september 2020

It is no longer sufficient to protect nature – there is also a need to restore what has been degraded. Ecological restorations are actions to improve the ecological condition and values of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed. Mitigation and compensating measures can also be part of restoration. 

How efficient are mitigation measures for bird-friendly wind power?
14. august 2020

Simple measures can make wind turbines more bird friendly. New research shows that measures such as painting the rotor blades or towers, using UV-light and smart micro-siting of wind turbines, decreases the risk for bird collisions considerably.

Norwegian sea eagle success in Ireland
26. juni 2020

One hundred years ago, the last sea eagle disappeared from Ireland. Now the green island has a new viable eagle population - from Trøndelag!

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Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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