
Frode Ødegaard
Stilling:    Vitenskapelig rådgiver

  Telefon: +47 994 09 578
 Arbeidssted:  Land og biodiversitet

  • Very good knowledge of taxonomy and ecology of European beetles (Coleoptera), wasps (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) and true bugs (Heteroptera).
  • Good knowledge of Coleoptera and Hymenoptera (Aculeata) and Heteroptera of the neotropical and australian region.
  • Long experience with assessments and classification of threats and endangered spe-cies for Red Data Lists.
  • Monitoring and mapping of biological diversity
  • Alien species
  • DNA-barcoding
  • International and national experience in experimental research on several aspects of entomology.
  • Broad experience with applied research projects for nature management, private and public employers.
  • Several national and international collaboration partners


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Frode Ødegaard

Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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