Arealbruk og arealinngrep
Dagmar Hagen
Naturrestaurering, restaureringsøkologi, effekter av ferdsel og tekniske naturinngrep, forebygging av naturinngrep, naturovervåking, planlegging, forvaltningsmetodikk, planteøkologi.
Vis hele profilen til Dagmar Hagen
Lars Erikstad
English: Research Geoscientist Field of work: Geoscience, land forms (geomorphology), quartenary geology, Geoheritage, landscape analysis, environmental impact assessments, aerial photography analysis, remote sensing, digital elevation models, geographic information systems (GIS).
Vis hele profilen til Lars Erikstad
Erik Framstad
Main scientific experience covers population and habitat ecology of small mammals in boreal forests and mountain ecosystems. Applied research and consultancy work includes studies and assessments of boreal forest ecology, protected areas, ecological effects of agriculture and forestry on species and ecosystems, environmental impact assessments of infrastructure development projects, as well as assessments, indicators and monitoring of terrestrial biodiversity.
Main administrative experience covers management of NINA's research department in Oslo over > 25 yrs, as well as coordination of terrestrial ecosystem monitoring and major research projects and programmes on boreal forests or cultural landscapes.
Vis hele profilen til Erik Framstad
Ingebrigt Uglem
Vis hele profilen til Ingebrigt Uglem
Odd Inge Vistad
Studies of environmental perception. Recreational impacts, monitoring, carrying capacity, limits of acceptable change. Establishment and management of national parks. Outdoor recreation. Resource based tourism. Environmental Impact Assessment, and Evaluation. Access rights. Integrated resource management. Studies of local communities and local participation in planning processes. Studies of cultural landscapes and heritage.
Vis hele profilen til Odd Inge Vistad
Morten Andre Bergan
Sjøørret og laks
Vis hele profilen til Morten Andre Bergan
Bram Van Moorter
- spatial ecology
- landscape connectivity & green infrastructures
- animal space use and movement ecology
- modeling:
- socio-ecological systems
- agent-based modeling
- adaptive management
- psychology
Vis hele profilen til Bram Van Moorter
Christer Moe Rolandsen
Vis hele profilen til Christer Moe Rolandsen
Manuela Panzacchi
Funcional connectivity, movement ecology, spatial ecology, GPS data, movement corridors, Sustainable Land planning tools, Green Infrastructures, habitat selection, ungulates, carnivores, human-wildlife conflicts, sustainable development, adaptive management, reindeer.
Vis hele profilen til Manuela Panzacchi
John Odden
Spatial and behavioural ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife conflicts, monitoring of wildlife, conservation biology.
Vis hele profilen til John Odden
Olav Strand
Vis hele profilen til Olav Strand
Marianne Evju
planteøkologi, overvåking av biologisk mangfold, naturtyper, truet natur, rekreasjonsøkologi
Vis hele profilen til Marianne Evju
Björn Nordén
I am a forest ecologist and conservation scientist with a special interest in temperate deciduous forest and its biodiversity. I engage in two main lines of research:
1) As a trained mycologist, I study aspects of biodiversity and conservation of fungi (incl. lichenized) in forests. At the most fundamental level, we cannot conclude on the best way to conserve the biodiversity or monitor changes without knowing the species. Knowledge on species identification and taxonomy of hyper-diverse taxa are essential, but highly threatened and decreasing skills worldwide. My own taxonomic expertise is within pyrenomycetoid ascomycetes, especially those associated with living trees and dead wood, and i have described several species new to science from Norway. There is a strong tendency of taxonomic bias within conservation, meaning that nearly all interest is focused on a few taxa such as large animals and vascular plants, while hyper-diverse taxa such as fungi and insects are often neglected. I therefore engage in both both basic exploration of biodiversity within hyper-diverse taxa, and study the effects of habitat loss, management et c on this biodiversity. This interest started already in my thesis (presented in 2000), where I studied the poorly known dispersal ecology of wood-living fungi in relation to conservation. I also use my expert knowledge to perform red list assessments of disfavoured ascomycete species, and black list assessments for species brought to Norway by man.
2) My second main research area is the restoration of temperate deciduous forest, the worlds' most degraged biome. Since 2000, I have been co-leader of the Swedish Oak project, a long-term experimental research project aiming to improve our understanding of how oak-rich mixed forests function and can be managed for (primarily) conservation purposes and biological diversity. Many oak-rich mixed forests, and almost all our "noble" (hardwood) broadleaved forests developed from an older, more open, traditional agricultural landscape, where several special species thrived but are now declining. Active management measures to create more open forests are hence motivated, but need to be evaluated for many taxa, and we study the effects of partial (restoration) cutting in forest with relatively old oaks on biodiversity. In another one of my projects, TransForest, we experimentally evaluate the biodiversity effects of restoration cutting of spruce in more recent mixed forests and focus on insects, plants and fungi.
Starting in 2023, I lead a new large trans-sectorial research project, SynForest, which aims to develop new sustainable uses of forests and wood. Climate risks and their associated costs in spruce-dominated forestry motivate an increased focus on temperate broad-leaf (TBL) trees, and higher demand for high-quality timber from, and planting of, these trees can assist their dispersal and climate tracking. At the same time, a higher share of TBL trees has important co-benefits for biodiversity. By involving important private and public stakeholders in a dedicated collaborative effort we focus on four key areas to enable the described transition: 1) creating new products and value chains based on Norwegian oak, 2) overcoming the practical challenges of converting (storm-damaged) spruce forest to oak forest considering the unsustainably high browsing pressures, 3) developing the potential for sustainable high-quality oak timber production by management of recent mixed forests with spruce, and 4) analysing the opportunities for a transition to TBL production ensuing from national and international policy and regulations. The project is a collaboration between forestry partners and small enterprises from southern Norway, and researchers in the fields of wood technology, forestry, ecology, environmental economics, and social sciences.
Vis hele profilen til Björn Nordén
Jenni Nordén
Community ecology, ecosystem ecology, spatial ecology, fungal ecology, dispersal ecology, population dynamics, conservation biology, trait ecology, functional ecology, forest ecology, soil ecology, evolutionary biology, decomposer fungi, environmental DNA, climate change, land use change, forest management.
Vis hele profilen til Jenni Nordén
Vegar Bakkestuen
Major practical experience includes: Thorough knowledge of different GIS applications, e.g. ArcView, ArcGIS, ArcInfo, ERDAS IMAGINE, Surfer, Idrisi, MapObjects, Grass, MapFactory, Splus SpatialStatistics. Thorough knowledge of Avenue, script language of ArcView. Development of scripts and extensions for ArcView Knowledge of VisualBasic programming Digital landscape- and terrain analyses Spatial statistics Studies of vegetation structure and vegetation dynamics Regional studies of impacts of acid deposition on terrestrial plant biota, - vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi. Fieldwork design, sampling protocols and data analyses Numerical and statistical treatment of field data, including multivariate analyses like CA, DCA and direct gradient analyses; e.g. CCA constrained ordination
Vis hele profilen til Vegar Bakkestuen
Nina Elisabeth Eide
Vis hele profilen til Nina Elisabeth Eide
Inger Maren Rivrud
Vis hele profilen til Inger Maren Rivrud
Zander Venter
Vegetasjonsøkologi, økosystemtjenester, forurensning, fjernmåling (satellitt- og fly), GIS.
Vis hele profilen til Zander Venter
Lajla Tunaal White
Bachelor Biologi - Leeds 1995
Master Økologi - Aberdeen 1996
Vis hele profilen til Lajla Tunaal White
Sigrid Engen
Rettferdighetsspørsmåli forvaltninga av kystsonen
Andre effektive arealbaserte forvaltningstiltak
Bærekraftig turisme
Benytter både kvantitative og kvalitative metoder som spørreundersøkelser, intervju, fokusgrupper, deltakende kartlegging (web-basert PPGIS) m.m.
Vis hele profilen til Sigrid Engen
Frank Ole Hanssen
- Kartografi, GIS og fjernmåling
- Romlig modellering og analyse
- Verktøyutvikling (ESRI ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, /Enterprise)
- Cloud computing (Google Earth Engine)
- Prosjektledelse og rådgivning
Vis hele profilen til Frank Ole Hanssen
Anders Lyngstad
Vis hele profilen til Anders Lyngstad
Katarzyna Anna Ostapowicz
Fjernmåling | Jordobservasjon | Geoinformatikk | Miljøvitenskap | Landssystemvitenskap | Sosioøkologisk system | Bærekraftsvitenskap | Vitenskap om grønt og blått karbon
Vis hele profilen til Katarzyna Anna Ostapowicz