Erik Framstad
Main scientific experience covers population and habitat ecology of small mammals in boreal forests and mountain ecosystems. Applied research and consultancy work includes studies and assessments of boreal forest ecology, protected areas, ecological effects of agriculture and forestry on species and ecosystems, environmental impact assessments of infrastructure development projects, as well as assessments, indicators and monitoring of terrestrial biodiversity.
Main administrative experience covers management of NINA's research department in Oslo over > 25 yrs, as well as coordination of terrestrial ecosystem monitoring and major research projects and programmes on boreal forests or cultural landscapes.
Vis hele profilen til Erik Framstad
Ingunn Tombre
Gjess, adferds- og populasjonsøkologi, reproduksjonsløkologi, landbrukskonflikter, gåsejakt, effekter av beiting på innmark, bestandsovervåking, adaptive medforvaltningsprosesser, forvaltningsplaner, effekter av klimaendringer, tundraøkologi
Vis hele profilen til Ingunn Tombre
Olav Strand
Vis hele profilen til Olav Strand
Bjørn Petter Kaltenborn
Key academic and project management qualifications:
- Social science research, particularly in the fields of protected areas, resource conflicts human-wildlife interactions, nature tourism, outdoor recreation, human dimensions of resource management, environmental preferences, human-environment interactions.
- Environment and development research
- Rapid response assessments
- Designing and conducting surveys, interviews, analysis of social science and integrated land use data.
- Protected areas, participatory planning, community involvement, conflict resolution
- Environmental impact assessments and monitoring, strategies and procedures for decision-making.
- Particular focus on environmentally and socially/culturally sensitive areas.
- Land use management and planning, procedures, techniques, policy, and implementation.
- Natural resources and recreation resources inventorying, mapping and analysis, including systems analysis.
- Project management (design, funding, planning and administration).
- Managing and leading research groups
Field experience and related skills:
- Extensive field experience in a range of environments through all seasons. Field work in arctic, mountain, northern forest, tropical, savannah and desert environments. Survival training, field logistics and navigation in remote regions. Experience with indigenous communities, local community relations and communication. Freelance photography and lecturing. Certified dog trainer (Norwegian Kennel Klub). Hunting instructor (NJFF).
Vis hele profilen til Bjørn Petter Kaltenborn
Odd Inge Vistad
Studies of environmental perception. Recreational impacts, monitoring, carrying capacity, limits of acceptable change. Establishment and management of national parks. Outdoor recreation. Resource based tourism. Environmental Impact Assessment, and Evaluation. Access rights. Integrated resource management. Studies of local communities and local participation in planning processes. Studies of cultural landscapes and heritage.
Vis hele profilen til Odd Inge Vistad
John Odden
Spatial and behavioural ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife conflicts, monitoring of wildlife, conservation biology.
Vis hele profilen til John Odden
Ole-Gunnar Støen
Vis hele profilen til Ole-Gunnar Støen
Dagmar Hagen
Naturrestaurering, restaureringsøkologi, effekter av ferdsel og tekniske naturinngrep, forebygging av naturinngrep, naturovervåking, planlegging, forvaltningsmetodikk, planteøkologi.
Vis hele profilen til Dagmar Hagen
Bram Van Moorter
- spatial ecology
- landscape connectivity & green infrastructures
- animal space use and movement ecology
- modeling:
- socio-ecological systems
- agent-based modeling
- adaptive management
- psychology
Vis hele profilen til Bram Van Moorter
Manuela Panzacchi
Funcional connectivity, movement ecology, spatial ecology, GPS data, movement corridors, Sustainable Land planning tools, Green Infrastructures, habitat selection, ungulates, carnivores, human-wildlife conflicts, sustainable development, adaptive management, reindeer.
Vis hele profilen til Manuela Panzacchi
Anna Nilsson
Adferdsøkologi, effekter av vindkraft på fugler, fenologi, fossekall, fugler, fugletrekk, naturrestaurering, undervisning, økologi
Vis hele profilen til Anna Nilsson
Sigrid Engen
Rettferdighetsspørsmåli forvaltninga av kystsonen
Andre effektive arealbaserte forvaltningstiltak
Bærekraftig turisme
Benytter både kvantitative og kvalitative metoder som spørreundersøkelser, intervju, fokusgrupper, deltakende kartlegging (web-basert PPGIS) m.m.
Vis hele profilen til Sigrid Engen
Frank Ole Hanssen
- Kartografi, GIS og fjernmåling
- Romlig modellering og analyse
- Verktøyutvikling (ESRI ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, /Enterprise)
- Cloud computing (Google Earth Engine)
- Prosjektledelse og rådgivning
Vis hele profilen til Frank Ole Hanssen
Anders Lyngstad
Vis hele profilen til Anders Lyngstad
Nina Dehnhard
- Sjøfugløkolog med erfaring i tropene, den sørlige halvkulen inkludert Antarktis, så vel som Nord-Atlanteren
- har jobbet med en rekke forskjellige arter: suler, tropikkfugler, pingviner, petreller, skarver, lomvi, teist, lunde
- feltarbeidserfaring under til dels krevende forhold (Juleøya, Antarktis, Falkland-/Malvinasøyene, Island, Norge)
- kjent med en bred spekter av feltarbeidsmetoder:
- fugletellinger og bestandsovervåking
- merking av fugler med metall- og fargeringer samt PITs
- bruk av GPS- GLS-, TDR- og videologgerne
- ulike dataanalyser og statistiske modellering:
- Linear mixed models with random slopes and random interceps
- Generalized Additive Mixed models
- Modellering og predikasjon av beiteområder
- Overlevelse- og populasjons-modellering
- Veiledning av flere Master-studenter
- ansvarlig for overvåking av plast i havhestmager for OSPAR i Norge
Vis hele profilen til Nina Dehnhard