

Thomas Correll Jensen

Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates, zooplankton, growth and respiration of zooplankton, arctic ecology, freshwater monitoring, Water Framework Directive, biological indicators, invasive species,

Vis hele profilen til Thomas Correll Jensen

Lars Erikstad

English: Research Geoscientist Field of work: Geoscience, land forms (geomorphology), quartenary geology, Geoheritage, landscape analysis, environmental impact assessments, aerial photography analysis, remote sensing, digital elevation models, geographic information systems (GIS).

Vis hele profilen til Lars Erikstad

Egil Bendiksen

Botanikk, mykologi, skogøkologi, miljøgradienter i skog, arts-og arealforvaltning, truete og sårbare arter.

Vis hele profilen til Egil Bendiksen

Norsk institutt for naturforskning

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