Tor Fredrik Næsje
- Major practical experience in planning and carrying out research projects, in particular projects related to freshwater ecosystems and axploitation
- Many years of advisory experience to national, regional and local authorities concerning managment and utilisation of inland fish resources
- Many years of experience in consequence analysis of encroachment in reivers and lakes, in particular hydroelectric power plants
- Experience from developing countries performing feasibility studies on fisheries and hydroelectric power plants, and as advisor to authorities
Vis hele profilen til Tor Fredrik Næsje
Finn Økland
Co-ordinator (1992-2002) of aquatic biotelemetry projects at NINA. Extensive experience from international projects in 21 different countries. Planning, designing, leading and carrying out fish research projects in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Developed surgical techniques for internal attachment of pit tags, radio tags and acoustic tags and successfully tagged 50 different species in more than 145 different projects. Participated in development of advanced surgical procedures to monitor physiological activity based on electromyograms (EMG) from swimming muscle, and used the same technique to monitor heart rate in Atlantic salmon in Canada. Together with the industry, improved the design of radio transmitters for external attachment, developed and tested out a small acoustic smolt tag and a small acoustic depth tag. Broad experience with different telemetry methods: Radio telemetry, acoustic telemetry, physiological telemetry (EMG), coded transmitters, activity transmitters, conventional transmitters, manual tracking, one-antenna and multiple antenna data logging systems, different tagging methods.
Vis hele profilen til Finn Økland
Ingebrigt Uglem
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Eva Bonsak Thorstad
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Knut Aanestad Bergesen
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