

John Durrus Linnell

Ecology, behaviour, population dynamics and conservation of carnivores and wild ungulates. Conservation of species that cause conflicts with humans. Ecology – social science interdisciplinarity.

Vis hele profilen til John Durrus Linnell

Bjørn Petter Kaltenborn

Key academic and project management qualifications:

  • Social science research, particularly in the fields of protected areas, resource conflicts human-wildlife interactions, nature tourism, outdoor recreation, human dimensions of resource management, environmental preferences, human-environment interactions.
  • Environment and development research
  • Rapid response assessments
  • Designing and conducting surveys, interviews, analysis of social science and integrated land use data.
  • Protected areas, participatory planning, community involvement, conflict resolution
  • Environmental impact assessments and monitoring, strategies and procedures for decision-making.
  • Particular focus on environmentally and socially/culturally sensitive areas.
  • Land use management and planning, procedures, techniques, policy, and implementation.
  • Natural resources and recreation resources inventorying, mapping and analysis, including systems analysis.
  • Project management (design, funding, planning and administration).
  • Managing and leading research groups

Field experience and related skills:

  • Extensive field experience in a range of environments through all seasons. Field work in arctic, mountain, northern forest, tropical, savannah and desert environments. Survival training, field logistics and navigation in remote regions. Experience with indigenous communities, local community relations and communication. Freelance photography and lecturing. Certified dog trainer (Norwegian Kennel Klub). Hunting instructor (NJFF).

Vis hele profilen til Bjørn Petter Kaltenborn

Audun Ruud

  • Politikk og styring knyttet til produksjon, overføring og bruk av fornybar energi.
  • Samfunnsaksept og deltakelse
  • Miljøledelse i næringslivet
  • Miljø- og klimapolitikk og praksis

Vis hele profilen til Audun Ruud

Helene Figari

Social representations of nature and wildlife, human-nature interactions, conflicts over natural resources, urban environmental justice, outdoor recreation

Vis hele profilen til Helene Figari

Manuela Panzacchi

Funcional connectivity, movement ecology, spatial ecology, GPS data, movement corridors, Sustainable Land planning tools, Green Infrastructures, habitat selection, ungulates, carnivores, human-wildlife conflicts, sustainable development, adaptive management, reindeer.

Vis hele profilen til Manuela Panzacchi

Craig Ryan Jackson

Vis hele profilen til Craig Ryan Jackson

Jiska Joanneke Van Dijk

  • Completed course Transformational leadership for sustainability (cCHANGE, Oslo): 2019
  • Completed Teachers training (pedagogic & didactic) - Environmental Education: June 2015
  • Working in the field of Human behaviour, transformative change and sustainability
  • Working in the field of landscape ecology and landscape planning issues
  • Working in the field of inter and transdisciplinary research
  • Working in the field of Ecosystem Services and valuation
  • Strong in participatory prosesses and dialogues
  • Strong in Science-Policy Interface processes (Alternet & EKLIPSE)
  • Otter expert - Norwegian representative IUCN-Otters SSG
  • Over 15 years of experience in brown bear, wolverine and otter research
  • Extensive field work and working in remote areas, data analyses and writing scientific papers, as well as dissemination of salient results
  • Over 15 years of experience in project coordination, teamwork and supervising students

Vis hele profilen til Jiska Joanneke Van Dijk

Sigrid Engen

Rettferdighetsspørsmåli forvaltninga av kystsonen
Andre effektive arealbaserte forvaltningstiltak
Bærekraftig turisme

Benytter både kvantitative og kvalitative metoder som spørreundersøkelser, intervju, fokusgrupper, deltakende kartlegging (web-basert PPGIS) m.m.

Vis hele profilen til Sigrid Engen

Olve Krange

Current research is on land use conflicts in a socio-economic and socio-cultural perspective, and cultural change in rural areas.
Vis hele profilen til Olve Krange

Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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