Erik Framstad
Main scientific experience covers population and habitat ecology of small mammals in boreal forests and mountain ecosystems. Applied research and consultancy work includes studies and assessments of boreal forest ecology, protected areas, ecological effects of agriculture and forestry on species and ecosystems, environmental impact assessments of infrastructure development projects, as well as assessments, indicators and monitoring of terrestrial biodiversity.
Main administrative experience covers management of NINA's research department in Oslo over > 25 yrs, as well as coordination of terrestrial ecosystem monitoring and major research projects and programmes on boreal forests or cultural landscapes.
Vis hele profilen til Erik Framstad
John Atle Kålås
Vis hele profilen til John Atle Kålås
Marianne Evju
planteøkologi, overvåking av biologisk mangfold, naturtyper, truet natur, rekreasjonsøkologi
Vis hele profilen til Marianne Evju
Heidi Elin Myklebost
Vegetasjonsøkologi, vegetasjonsovervåking, naturtypekartlegging etter NiN.
Vis hele profilen til Heidi Elin Myklebost
Odd Egil Stabbetorp
Research Ecologist Field of work: Vegetation ecology, botany, population ecology, population genetics, conservation biology, species and area management, agricultural landscapes, environmental impact assessments, landscape analysis, geographic information systems (GIS).
Vis hele profilen til Odd Egil Stabbetorp
Vegar Bakkestuen
Major practical experience includes: Thorough knowledge of different GIS applications, e.g. ArcView, ArcGIS, ArcInfo, ERDAS IMAGINE, Surfer, Idrisi, MapObjects, Grass, MapFactory, Splus SpatialStatistics. Thorough knowledge of Avenue, script language of ArcView. Development of scripts and extensions for ArcView Knowledge of VisualBasic programming Digital landscape- and terrain analyses Spatial statistics Studies of vegetation structure and vegetation dynamics Regional studies of impacts of acid deposition on terrestrial plant biota, - vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi. Fieldwork design, sampling protocols and data analyses Numerical and statistical treatment of field data, including multivariate analyses like CA, DCA and direct gradient analyses; e.g. CCA constrained ordination
Vis hele profilen til Vegar Bakkestuen