

China looks to NINA for expertise

Publisert: 12. mars 2024
Tekst: Trine Hay Setsaas

China has ambitions to better safeguard nature in light of ongoing climate change. Researchers from NINA collaborate with Chinese partners in new project.

China looks to NINA for expertise

From the study area in Xilingol in northern China. Lake Dalinor is slowly drying up. Photo credit: Kristine Westergaard

International cooperation is necessary to achieve globally agreed goals related to biodiversity and climate change. With one of the world's largest economies, China has ambitious targets to cut emissions of greenhouse gases and conserve natural areas.

Measures now implemented by China has potential to contribute to both the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework as well as the Paris Agreement. Experts from NINA contributes with expertise on developing solutions for restoring nature and tools to address endangered and alien invasive species, says assistant research director Jørgen Rosvold at NINA.  

How to repare nature?

In the far north of China, on the open grasslands of Inner Mongolia, lies the focus area. The landscape is dry and barren, and has gradually deteriorated due to overgrazing, drainage and climate change. China has goals to re-establish the vegetation in degraded areas, and develop strategies for managing both threatened and alien species in light of the ongoing climate change.

Sharing best practices in the field of ecosystem restoration will be in focus, including formulation of realistic goals and defining clear indicators for measuring progress and success. Just the process of examining past plant species occurrence and distribution, and in turn succeeding in germination and re-vegetation of those species is timely and essential, says NINA’s restoration expert and senior researcher Dagmar Hagen.    

Involving the local community 

She underlines the importance of involving and empowering the local community in the process, both to increase awareness of the various measures planned as well as benefits that could be expected from a successful outcome.

This is of essence so the local community themselves in future can restore and conserve areas crucial for their livelihood, says Hagen.

The project is a collaboration between Norway and the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences (NIES) under China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). It is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Read more from our Chinese partners: Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences

Want to know more? Contact  Jørgen Rosvold

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