

Experimental Ecosystem Accounting in Greater Oslo - Annual symposium

Publisert: 10. september 2018
Tekst: Inger Haugen

Grønt byregnskap for Oslo regionen - Symposium, 17. september 2018

Experimental Ecosystem Accounting in Greater Oslo - Annual symposium

Venue: Statistics Norway (SSB), Akersveien 26, 0177 Oslo

How to get there: https://goo.gl/maps/zYdXFHyCiiG2

REGISTRATION DEADLINE Monday 10. September https://www.nina.no/Aktuelt/Arrangementer-og-seminarer/URBAN-EEA-Annual-symposium-2018


17 September

Room: Auditoriet, ground floor (one floor down from reception)

08:30-09:05 Registration and welcome

Introduction to URBAN EEA 2017-2018
David N. Barton, NINA

Part 1 Environmental reporting and accounting in Oslo Municipality

Oslos Climate and Environment Report
Anders Aas, Oslo Urban Environment Agency (BYM)

Oslo’s Green Ledger: an inventory of recreational and urban open space  
Lynn Rosentrather, Oslo Planning and Buiding Agency (PBE)

10:10-10:30 - Break

Part 2 Ecosystem accounts and urban planning in Oslo-Akershus

Extent account and scenario analysis for landuse change
Margrete Steinnes, SSB  & Zofie Cimburova, NINA

Planning with long term green borders
Karl Otto Ellefsen, AHO & Per Arild Garnåsjordet, SSB

Blue-green factor in development projects in Bærum municipality
Halvor Ellefsen, AHO

11:50-13:00 - Lunch

Part 3 Accounting for urban ecosystem condition

Biodiversity accounting for Oslo
Olav Skarpaas, NINA

Accounting for urban trees in Oslo
Frank Hanssen, NINA

13:50-14:10 - Break

Part 4  International examples – future approaches to ecosystem accounting in Norway?

Urban ecosystem accounts for the UK
Rocky Harris, DEFRA, UK

Ecosystem service accounts for the Netherlands
Lars Hein, Wageningen University

15:50-16:00 - Wrap-up and thank you

19:00 - Dinner at Statistics Norway

18 September

Room: Befolkning, ground floor (one floor down from reception)

Project staff and advisory board member workshop on work in progress
(additional participants by invitation, contact david.barton@nina.no)

08:30-09:00 - Set up video-conferencing

Urban amenities and recreation services (20 min. pres. + 10 min. questions)

"Ecosystem services accounting - outdoor recreation and ecosystem condition"
Grazia Zulian, Sara Vallecillo, Chiara Polce, Alessandra La Notte.  EU Joint Research Centre

Recreation potential mapping in Oslo-Akershus
Marta Suarez & Zofie Cimburova, NINA

10:00-10:10 - Break

Testing data-driven mapping and valuation of recreation areas in Oslo
Zofie Cimburova, NINA & David N. Barton, NINA

Mapping blue-green qualities for hedonic pricing in Oslo-Akershus
Megan Nowell, NINA & Kristine Grimsrud, SSB

11:10-11:20 - Break

Urban recreation services valuation - methodological challenges
David Barton, NINA

11:50-12:30 - Lunch

Ongoing work on other ecosystem services in Greater Oslo

Ongoing work on ecosystem services mapping  (10 minutes each, max 5 slides)
- SSBs pollinated crop data, Margrete Steinnes / Geir Inge Gundersen, SSB
- Flood mitigation potential.  David N. Barton, NINA 
- Air pollution mitigation, David N. Barton, NINA, and Zofie Cimburova, NINA
- Discussion: other ecosystem services -  option and limitations,  David N. Barton, NINA

Current status and challenges of the SEEA EEA revision process - discussion

13:20-13:30 - Break

Ecosystem services – status and challenges
Lars Hein, Wageningen University.

Monetary valuation – status and challenges
Rocky Harris, DEFRA, UK

14:30-14:40 - Thank you and wrap up

Further information:

David Barton, david.barton@nina.no

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