

Second open call from The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research

Publisert: 9. oktober 2024
Tekst: Anne Olga Syverhuset

The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research (NKV) has announced its second 2024 open call. Head over to The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research website to apply for funding. You can apply for funding for workshops (organization or attendance), symposia (organization or attendance), visits to researchers in other countries, networks, and networking activities as well as scientific courses.

Second open call from The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research
Photo: Markus Fjellstad Israelsen / NINA.

The purpose of NKV is to promote wildlife research within the Nordic region, with particular emphasis on the continuous improvement of research quality and quantity, and the dissemination of knowledge both within the scientific and general communities.
The NKV will work to do this by:
•    Supporting the publication of the international scientific journal “Wildlife Biology",
•    Initiating and supporting Nordic Congresses of Wildlife Research at regular intervals of 4 years,
•    Supporting workshops, symposia etc. on relevant wildlife topics, and
•    Supporting students and researchers with respect to costs of travels that furthers Nordic cooperation”


Read more about the call at the NKV website.

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