

Sphagnum Meeting 9.-13. September

Publisert: 2. september 2024
Tekst: Juliet Landrø

Norway, and especially the Trøndelag region, is a global hotspot for Sphagnum (peatmoss) biodiversity and research and home to about 50 species. 

Dato: 08.09.2024 12.20 - 13.09.2024 19.00 Legg til i kalender

Sphagnum Meeting 9.-13. September

The Norwegian diversity of mire types is unique and is the foundation that supports the species diversity here, with mires on different latitudes, in varying topography and in a humid climate with varying level of oceanity. The high proportion of land covered with peatland (12% of Norway, and 18% in Trøndelag) also supports this biodiversity, and perhaps the research interest as well. Mire and Sphagnum research has strong traditions in Trondheim, with research in the forefront on both Sphagnum taxonomy (by Kjell Ivar Flatberg) and mire ecology (by Asbjørn Moen) since the 1970’s.

With this brief excursion guide, written by Fia Bengtsson, Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide and Kristian Hassel, we would like to wish you welcome to the Sphagnum of Trøndelag!

Programme and excursion guide 

Abstract booklet

Sphagnum meeting program

Sunday Sep 8th – Short excursion to Gråkallen, in the vicinity of Trondheim. We will take bus 26 towards Skistua from Kongens gate K1 at 12:21. C. 30 mins. We will take the (last!) bus back from Skistua at 16:17.

Monday Sep 9th – Sphagnum biology symposium and dinner in Trondheim. Meeting time: 09:00. Dinner starts at 18:00. See Abstract booklet for details.

Tuesday Sep 10th – Field day. Bus from NINA-huset and back. Site: Hitra. Meeting time: 08:30. Back in Trondheim latest 19:00.

Wednesday Sep 11th – Field day. Bus from NINA-huset and back. Site: Samsjøen. Meeting time: 08:30. Back in Trondheim latest 18:00.

Thursday Sep 12th – Field excursion to Kalddal, Namsos. Meeting time: 08:30. Bus from NINA-huset. Dinner and overnight at Steinkjer hotel. Remember to bring everything you need to stay overnight!

Friday Sep 13th – Field excursion to Henning, Steinkjer. Meeting time: 08:30. Drop-off at Trondheim Airport possible at 18:00. Arrival in Trondheim at 19:00.

Species descriptions mainly follow Kjell Ivar Flatberg’s “Norges torvmoser”, 2013. Akademika forlag. Oslo Trondheim.


Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide

Fia Bengtsson

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