
Andrew Gray
Stilling:    Forsker

  Telefon: +47 413 96 256
 Arbeidssted:  NINA Oslo

Remote sensing ecologist specialising in Polar terrestrial and snow/ice ecosystems. Experience conducting UAV surveys with a variety of passive and active sensors as well as producing field datasets to underpin remote sensing projects. My most recent research has involved mapping algal bloom distribution and biomass in snow across Antarctica. And using species disribution models to explore distribution controls and explore the fate of snow ecosystems under climate change scenarios.   

Remote sensing ecology, UAV surveys, airborne surveys, hyperspectral imaging, multispectral imaging, thermal imaging, structure from motion, classification, species distribution modelling, field spectroscopy, snow and glacier ecology, Antarctic terestrial ecology, solar induced fluorescence, carbon flux measurements, biogeochemistry. 


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Andrew Gray

Norsk institutt for naturforskning

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