Arne Follestad
Stilling:    Forsker

  Telefon: +47 934 66 704
  Arbeidssted: NINA terrestrisk økologi

Populasjonsdynamikk, bestandsovervåking, høstingsbiologi, gjess, sjøfugl. Effekter av naturinngrep. Effekter av restaureringstiltak. Beiteskader. Konsekvensanalyser.

Population ecology, behavioural ecology, monitoring (time-series), coastal ecology. Geese, seabirds. Environmental impact analysis. During recent years, major assignments have included ecological studies on population dyna-mics and management actions (hunting regimes, agricultural conflicts between farmers and geese) related to the Greylag Geese and other geese, and environmental effects of large wind-mill farms planned along the Norwegian coast. Major experience also covers seabird studies connected to their breeding biology, mapping of seabird distribution inshore and at open sea, by-catch of seabirds in fish nets, consumption of discards from fisheries (EU-project), environ-mental impact analysis of offshore petroleum activities, and oil spill contingency planning.

1983: Cand.real. in Zoology at the University of Trondheim.

1980-present: Research Ecologist, NINA.

Norwegian, English (good)

Internasjonale arbeidsforhold
Norway, Denmark

Bevanger, K. & Follestad, A. 1999. Kamuflering av kraftlinjer - en ornitologisk vurdering. – Seminar om materialvalg og fargebruk som kamuflerende tiltak på kraftledninger. NVE, Rjukan august 1999. Follestad, A. 2000. Recent developments in the Greylag Goose populations: Norway. – Greylag Goose Workshop 2000, Goose 2000 conference, Wetlands International, den Haan, Belgium 8-11 January 2000. Follestad, A. 2001. Miljøkonsekvenser av vindkraft. - Seminar om bærekraftige energiløsninger for et nytt årtusen. Samarbeidsrådet for Naturvernsaker (SRN), Oslo mars 2001. Follestad, A. 2001. Early autumn migration in Norwegian Greylag Geese: an effect of hunting? – Pp. 25-26 in: Patterson, I. (ed.). Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the Goose Specialist Group of Wetlands International in Roosta, Estonia, 27 April - 2 May 2001. Wetlands International Goose Specialist Group Bulletin No. 9, supplement, 2001. Tartu, Estonia. Swenson, J.E. & Follestad, A. 2004. Status and management of migratory Waterfowl in Norway. - 2004 International symposium on migratory birds, 2-3 Dec. 2004, Gunsan, South Korea.

Faglige aktiviteter/oppdrag/verv
Member of Norwegian Ornithological Society and Norsk Forskerforbund. National co-ordinator for the Goose study group in Wetland International.


Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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