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Arbeidssted: NINA terrestrisk økologi
Økologi i rom og tid, adferdsbiologi, bevaringsbiologi, sameksistens mennesker-dyreliv, rovdyrenes økologi, fornybar energi & vilt, økologiske infrastruktur og fragmenteringsspørsmål, restaureringsøkologi, jerv, fugl, pattedyr, statistisk modellering, fugleradar teknologi
- Bevaringsbiologi
- Romlig økologi
- Rovvilt og rovfugl økologi
- Fornybar energi og vilt
- (Strategiske) konsekvensutredinger
- Økologiske infrastruktur og fragmentering
- Fugleradar teknologi (MERLIN og ROBIN) og radarornitologi
- Prosjektledelse og akkvisisjon
- 2007: Dr. Scient., NTNU
- 1996: MSc, University of Wageningen, Nederland
- 1994: BSc, University of Wageningen, Nederland
- 2008 - present: Seniorforsker, NINA
- 2003 - 2007: Dr. gradsstudent, NINA/NTNU
- 2002 - 2003: Direktør, ‘Tracks - Wildlife Study & Conservation’
- 1999 - 2003: Sekretariat arbeidsgruppe pattedyrbevaring og nasjonalkoordinator “Important Mammal Areas Network”, Nederlandske zoologiske forening (frivillig)
- 1996 - 2003: Seniorkonsulent viltøkologi og skogøkologi, ‘De Groene Ruimte’, økologisk konsulentfirma, Nederland
- 1995: Vitenskapelig forskningsassistent, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology ved ‘the Joint Raptor Study’, Skotland
Kurs mm
- 2004: Kurs medisinsk immobilisering av dyr
- 2001: Kurs akkvisisjonsferdigheter
- 2000: Feltkurs ulveforskning ved ‘International Wolf Centre’: radiotelemetri (bakke og fly), hylingstaksering, snøsporing ulv
nederlandsk, norsk, engelsk, fransk, spansk, tysk
Internasjonale arbeidsforhold
Norway, the Netherlands, Scotland
Vitenskapelige foredrag:
- May, R., Bevanger, K., van Dijk, J., Petrin, Z., Brende, H. 2013. Renewable energy: consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services. NØF conference, Trondheim, Norway.
- May, R., Hanssen, F., Thomassen, J. & Bevanger, K. 2013. Least-cost path (LCP) analysis for optimal routing of high-voltage power lines: a spatially explicit MCA. MCA workshop, Trondheim, Norway.
- May, R., Reitan, O., Bevanger, K., Lorentsen, S.-H., & Nygård, T. 2013. Mitigating wind-turbine induced avian mortality: audible, optical and biomechanical constraints and options. Conference on Wind power and Environmental impacts, Stockholm, Sweden.
- May, R. & Bevanger, K. 2012. Renewable energy – consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Technoport Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway.
- May, R., Dijk, J. van, Landa, A. & Eide, N. 2012. Impacts of climate change on the reproductive ecology of the wolverine Gulo gulo. European Conference for Conservation Biology, Glasgow, Scotland.
- May, R. 2011. Renewable energy and its consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services. AlterNet Summer School, Peyresq, France.
- May, R., Nygård, T., Bevanger, K., Reitan, O., Dahl, E.L., Engen, S., Lund Hoel, P. & Langston, R. 2011. Spatio-temporal collision risk and avoidance in white-tailed eagles. European Ornithological Union Conference, Riga, Latvia.
- May, R., Douglas, D., Nygård, T., Bevanger, K., Reitan, O., Dahl, E.L., Engen, S., Lund Hoel, P. & Langston, R. 2011. Collision risk in white-tailed eagles - avoiding risky modelling. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Trondheim, Norway.
- May, R., Nygård, T., Engen, S., Reitan, O., Dahl, E.L., Bevanger, K. & Hanssen, F. 2010. Spatial assessment of white-tailed eagle collision risk at the Smøla onshore wind-power plant in central Norway. Wind Wildlife Research Meeting, Lakewood, USA.
- May, R. & Nygård, T. 2009. Spatial assessment of white-tailed sea eagle collision risk at the onshore wind-power plant on the island of Smøla. European Conference for Conservation Biology, Prague, Czech Republic.
- May, R. 2008. Radar studies on white-tailed sea eagle at an onshore wind farm on Smøla. International workshop on birds of prey and wind farms, Berlin, Germany.
- May, R., Bevanger, K., Hanssen, F., Vang, R., Nygård, T., Dahl, E.L., Clausen, S. & Smith, A.. 2008. Radar studies on white-tailed sea eagle at an onshore wind farm on Smøla. Nordic golden eagle symposium, Tromsø, Norway.
- May, R. 2007. Wolverine: Wilderness symbol in multiple-use landscapes. Development of monitoring and research of brown bear and wolverine populations in north calotte area, Luosto, Finland.
- May, R., Landa, A., Dijk, J., Persson, J. & Kojola, I. 2006. Wolverines in Europe: status and conservation challenges. First European Conference on Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary.
- May, R., Gorini, L., Dijk, J. van, Landa, A., Brøseth, H., Andersen, R. 2006. Den site selection of Norwegian wolverines at different spatial scales. Oral presentation. European Conference on Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary.
- May, R. 16.06.2005. Towards an IUCN Action Plan for the global conservation of the wolverine. First International Symposium on Wolverine Research and Management (workshop), Jokkmokk, Sweden.
- May, R., Landa, A., Dijk, J. van, Linnell, J. & Andersen, R. 2005. Impact of infrastructure on habitat selection of wolverines. First International Symposium on Wolverine Research and Management, Jokkmokk, Sweden.
Vitenskapelige postere:
- May, R. 2013. Assessing cumulative impacts of wind-power development on birds: a spatially-explicit deterministic index for decision support. Conference on Wind power and Environmental impacts, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Hanssen, F., Thomassen, J., May, R., Bevanger, K. 2012. A Least Cost Path toolbox for optimal routing of high voltage power lines. IAIA12-konferanse, Porto, Portugal.
- Hanssen, F., May, R., Steinheim, Y. & Vang, R. 2011. GIS-modelling of radar detection coverage and ground clutter within the complex environment of Smøla wind-power plant. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Trondheim, Norway.
- Nygård, T., Bevanger, K., Dahl, E.L., May, R., & Reitan, O. 2011. Landscape use and collision risks at different scales. Juvenile White-tailed Sea Eagles studied by GPS satellite telemetry at Smøla wind-farm. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Trondheim, Norway.
- Reitan, O., Bevanger, K. & May, R. 2011. Optimizing searches for bird collision fatalities within a wind-power plant area by using trained dogs. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Trondheim, Norway.
- Reitan, O., Bevanger, K., May, R. & Dahl, E.L. 2011. Bird fatalities within Smøla wind-power plant. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Trondheim, Norway.
- Steinheim, Y., May, R., Kvaløy, P., Vang, R., Hanssen, F. & Bevanger, K. 2011. Performance test and verification of an avian radar in the adverse environment of a wind-power plant. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Trondheim, Norway.
- Vang, R., May, R. & Hanssen, F. 2011. Identifying false alarms and bird tracks in a full scale radar tracks database using clustering algorithms and SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Trondheim, Norway.
- May, R., Dijk, J. Van, Eide, N., Brøseth, H., Hanssen, F., Blumentrath, S. & Erikstad, L. 2010. Den site selection of alpine predators in relation to altered snow conditions. IPY Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway.
- Halley, D.J., Bevanger, K., Berntsen, F.E.H., Clausen, S.M., Dahl, E.L., Flagstad, Ø., Follestad, A., Hanssen, F.O., Hoel, P.L., Johnsen, L., Kvaløy, P., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O., Steinheim, Y. & Vang, R. 2010. The effect of wind turbines on birds at the Smøla wind power plant Norway: collisions, displacement, and avoidance. Renewable energy 2010, Yokohama, Japan.
- Dijk, J. van, May, R., Landa, A., Andersen, R. & Andersen, R. 2006. Who ate my lamb chops? Seasonal and inter-annual variability in wolverine Gulo gulo depredation. First European Conference on Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary.
Faglige aktiviteter/oppdrag/verv
- 2013 - present: International Energy Agency - Wind Task 34: Environmental impacts from wind energy
- 2013 - present: COST Action European Network for the Radar Surveillance of Animal Movement (ENRAM); Member of Management Committee
- 2015: Conference on Wind power and Wildlife impacts (CWW2015), Berlin 10-12 March 2015. Scientific Committee, Keynote speaker
- 2013: Conference on Wind power and Environmental impacts (CWE2013), Stockholm 5-7 February 2013. Scientific Committee
- 2011: Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts (CW2011), Trondheim 2-5 May 2011. Head of Scientific Committee & member Organizing Committee
- 2005: 1st International Symposium on Wolverine Research and Management, Jokkmokk, Sweden June 13-15, 2005. Organizing Committee
- 1999 - 2005: The Wildlife Society; International Wildlife Management Working Group, Certified Wildlife Biologist
- 1997 - 2003: Royal Dutch Forestry Association (KNBV); Pro Silva Working group