Jan Ove Bustnes
Stilling:    Seniorforsker

  Telefon: +47 934 66 790
  Arbeidssted: NINA Tromsø


Populasjonsøkologi, kystøkologi, atferdsøkologi, konsekvensutredninger, sjøfugl, andefugl.

Practical experience covers studies in population studies of waterfowl and seabirds. Involvement in seabird research programmes (monitoring colonies and studies on seabirds at sea), and impact assessment in connection with seabird and oil drilling. I also have some experience in entomological research (ecology and systematics). Ecotoxicology been a central working field since the late 1990s.


1992: Dr.Scient., University of Tromsø, Institute of Biology and Geology. 1990: M.Science. University of Tromsø, Institute of Biology and Geology.


1991-present: Research position at Norwegian institute for nature research. 1986-1990: Tromsø Museum Zoology Department and Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Field work in the Barent Sea. Recording seabird distribution on open sea from research vessels (Total of 3.5 months). 1985-1987: Tromsø Museum Zoology Department. Field work in seabird colonies on various research progammes. Feeding studies, monitoring and banding progammes (Total of 2 months). 1986: Norwegian Polar Institute. Participating in a two month seabird research expedition to Bjørnøya in the Barent Sea 1985: Tromsø Museum Zoology Department. Field assistance on a reindeer parasite (insects) research program in Finnmark (2 weeks). 1984: Rana Museum Department of Nature History. Museum work like collecting, conserving animals and (totally 11 months). 1983-84 The County Governor of Nordland. Evaluating consequences to bird fauna in an area where a power transmission line was planned. Field work and report writing (2.5 months).


English (excellent), German (fair), French (fair)

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Norsk institutt for naturforskning

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