David Barton
Barton has conducted a number of projects related to economic valuation methods and economic analysis of multiple use conflict in wetlands, watershed and coastal resources; including cost-benefit analysis of environmental objectives in several river basins subject to the EU Water Framework Directive (Norway) cost-effectiveness analysis of groundwater protection (Norway); non-market valuation and benefit-cost analysis of clean-up measures for contaminated marine sediments (Norway);economic evaluation of pollution abatement and flood mitigation measures in watershed management (Norway); valuation of water quality (Norway), economic evaluation of upland small-holder soil conservation practices in watershed management (Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador); feasibility studies of flood mitigation (Nicaragua), economic evaluation of conservation areas (Costa Rica); economic valuation of water and sanitation projects in coastal zones (Costa Rica); natural resource damage valuation of oil spills in coastal zones (Sri Lanka); cost-effectiveness and multiple criteria analysis of lake restoration measures (Inner Mongolia, China); economic impact analysis of toxic algal blooms (Uganda); feasibility of payments for watershed environmental services (Karnataka,India) and of weather indexed crop insurance (Andrah Pradesh, India), feasibility of agroforestry systems in semi-arid ecoregions (Mali, Senegal, Nicaragua); the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision in forests (EU, Costa Rica, Brazil, Colombia); the Norwegian Research Council financed PESILA-REDD project on the evaluation of payments for ecosystem services in the context of REDD+(Costa Rica, Colombia); economic valuation of urban ecosystem services(EU, Norway).
Vis hele profilen til David Barton
Frank Ole Hanssen
- Kartografi, GIS og fjernmåling
- Romlig modellering og analyse
- Verktøyutvikling (ESRI ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, /Enterprise)
- Cloud computing (Google Earth Engine)
- Prosjektledelse og rådgivning
Vis hele profilen til Frank Ole Hanssen
Roelof Frans May
- Bevaringsbiologi
- Romlig økologi
- Rovvilt og rovfugl økologi
- Fornybar energi og vilt
- (Strategiske) konsekvensutredinger
- Økologiske infrastruktur og fragmentering
- Fugleradar teknologi (MERLIN og ROBIN) og radarornitologi
- Prosjektledelse og akkvisisjon
Vis hele profilen til Roelof Frans May