
Biologisk mangfold

(Biodiversitet, Biodiversity )

Ola Håvard Diserud

Anvendt statistisk modellering, multivariat analyse, interaksjoner mellom havbruk og vill laksefisk, biologisk mangfold, populasjon og samfunnsdynamikk.

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Ann Kristin Schartau

Praktisk erfaring først og fremst knyttet til vassdragsforskning og prosjektledelse. Hennes kompetanse omfatter spesielt overvåking av forurensninger, kartlegging/overvåking av biologisk mangfold samt økologisk tilstandsvurdering av innsjøer og elver. Hun har koordinert nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammer i ferskvann og har hatt en sentral rolle i utvikling og utprøving av nasjonal typologi, overvåkingsdesign og nasjonale overvåkingsprogrammer i ferskvann. Hennes forskning er særlig knyttet til referansetilstand og naturlig variasjon, miljøindikatorer og effekter av ulike påvirkninger, med spesiell fokus på vannkjemi og invertebrater (bunndyr og småkreps).

Deltatt i flere arbeidsgrupper på kartlegging og overvåkning av biologisk mangfold i ferskvann og har ledet NINAs arbeidsgruppe for ferskvann i forbindelse med utvikling av Naturindeksen Hun har også hatt ansvar for å beskrive miljøforhold og påvirkninger for rødlistearter i ferskvann og for risikovurdering av fremmede arter av ferskvannskreps Nasjonal og internasjonal erfaring fra standardisering av biologiske metoder i ferskvann samt utvikling og interkalibrering av klassifiseringssystemfer for tilstandsvurdering iht. vanndirektivet/vannforskriften.

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John Durrus Linnell

Ecology, behaviour, population dynamics and conservation of carnivores and wild ungulates. Conservation of species that cause conflicts with humans. Ecology – social science interdisciplinarity.

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Signe Nybø

Vis hele profilen til Signe Nybø

Marianne Evju

planteøkologi, overvåking av biologisk mangfold, naturtyper, truet natur, rekreasjonsøkologi

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Erik Framstad

Main scientific experience covers population and habitat ecology of small mammals in boreal forests and mountain ecosystems. Applied research and consultancy work includes studies and assessments of boreal forest ecology, protected areas, ecological effects of agriculture and forestry on species and ecosystems, environmental impact assessments of infrastructure development projects, as well as assessments, indicators and monitoring of terrestrial biodiversity.

Main administrative experience covers management of NINA's research department in Oslo over > 25 yrs, as well as coordination of terrestrial ecosystem monitoring and major research projects and programmes on boreal forests or cultural landscapes.

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Thomas Correll Jensen

Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates, zooplankton, growth and respiration of zooplankton, arctic ecology, freshwater monitoring, Water Framework Directive, biological indicators, invasive species,

Vis hele profilen til Thomas Correll Jensen

Kari Elsa Ellingsen

Hoveddelen av min forskningsaktivitet er på biologisk mangfold, inkludert funksjonell diversitet. Dette involverer analyse og modellering av biologisk mangfold, problemstillinger knyttet til romlige og tidsmessige skalaer, drivere av endringer, for eksempel, effekten av ulike typer menneskelige aktiviteter og klimaendringer, samt påvirkning av toppredatorer på andre økosystemkomponenter, dvs. samlet belastning. Jeg er også interessert i potensialet for reversibilitet av endringer. Mye av forskningen involverer bruk av stor skala og/eller langtids datasett som allerede er samlet inn i vitenskapelige undersøkelser eller miljøovervåkingsundersøkelser. Jeg har studert marint biologisk mangfold i ulike deler av verden på grunt vann, på kontinentalsokkelen og i dyphavet ved bruk av data på bunndyr og fiskersamfunn, inkludert et søkelys på nordområdene. Mesteparten av min forskning har vært på marine økosystemer, men jeg er også involvert i forskning knyttet til andre økosystemer. Jeg fokuserer også på miljøovervåking og studie/prøvetakingsdesign. Arbeidet innebærer en rekke nasjonale og internasjonale samarbeid, bl.a. med forskere fra Europa, New Zealand, Canada og Australia. 

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Bjørn Walseng

Senior Technician Field of work: Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates (especially crustaceans), biodiversity, conservation plans, pollution ecology, environmental monitoring, enviromental impact assessments.

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Jens Åström

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Graciela Monica Rusch

Wide research interests on plant sciences, specifically on functional ecology, ecosystem function and ecological processes related to land-use, herbivory and the maintenance and management of biological diversity. Extensive international experience including research and consultancy projects in Europe, North America, South and Central America, and East Africa. Experience of project coordination including a number of international projects (Research Council of Norway and EU). A number of these projects are cross-disciplinary with components of ecology/biology and social/economic sciences. The work related to the projects have comprised own research, supervision of MSc and PhD students, consultancy and project coordination activities.

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Jenni Nordén

Community ecology, ecosystem ecology, spatial ecology, fungal ecology, dispersal ecology, population dynamics, conservation biology, trait ecology, functional ecology, forest ecology, soil ecology, evolutionary biology, decomposer fungi, environmental DNA, climate change, land use change, forest management.

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Siri Lie Olsen

Planteøkologi, populasjonsdynamikk, samfunnsøkologi, samspill mellom arter, klimaendringer, fremmede arter, arealbruksendring, biologisk mangfold, fjell, skog, kulturlandskap

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Anders Endrestøl

- Insekter, med spesialkompetanse på nebbmunner (Hemiptera)
- Fremmede arter (insekter)
- Rødlistede arter (insekter)
- Overvåking og kartlegging av biologisk mangfold

Vis hele profilen til Anders Endrestøl

Björn Nordén

I am a forest ecologist and conservation scientist with a special interest in temperate deciduous forest and its biodiversity. I engage in two main lines of research:

1) As a trained mycologist, I study aspects of biodiversity and conservation of fungi (incl. lichenized) in forests. At the most fundamental level, we cannot conclude on the best way to conserve the biodiversity or monitor changes without knowing the species. Knowledge on species identification and taxonomy of hyper-diverse taxa are essential, but highly threatened and decreasing skills worldwide. My own taxonomic expertise is within pyrenomycetoid ascomycetes, especially those associated with living trees and dead wood, and i have described several species new to science from Norway. There is a strong tendency of taxonomic bias within conservation, meaning that nearly all interest is focused on a few taxa such as large animals and vascular plants, while hyper-diverse taxa such as fungi and insects are often neglected. I therefore engage in both both basic exploration of biodiversity within hyper-diverse taxa, and study the effects of habitat loss, management et c on this biodiversity. This interest started already in my thesis (presented in 2000), where I studied the poorly known dispersal ecology of wood-living fungi in relation to conservation. I also use my expert knowledge to perform red list assessments of disfavoured ascomycete species, and black list assessments for species brought to Norway by man.

2) My second main research area is the restoration of temperate deciduous forest, the worlds' most degraged biome. Since 2000, I have been co-leader of the Swedish Oak project, a long-term experimental research project aiming to improve our understanding of how oak-rich mixed forests function and can be managed for (primarily) conservation purposes and biological diversity. Many oak-rich mixed forests, and almost all our "noble" (hardwood) broadleaved forests developed from an older, more open, traditional agricultural landscape, where several special species thrived but are now declining. Active management measures to create more open forests are hence motivated, but need to be evaluated for many taxa, and we study the effects of partial (restoration) cutting in forest with relatively old oaks on biodiversity. In another one of my projects, TransForest, we experimentally evaluate the biodiversity effects of restoration cutting of spruce in more recent mixed forests and focus on insects, plants and fungi. 
         Starting in 2023, I lead a new large trans-sectorial research project, SynForest, which aims to develop new sustainable uses of forests and wood. Climate risks and their associated costs in spruce-dominated forestry motivate an increased focus on temperate broad-leaf (TBL) trees, and higher demand for high-quality timber from, and planting of, these trees can assist their dispersal and climate tracking. At the same time, a higher share of TBL trees has important co-benefits for biodiversity. By involving important private and public stakeholders in a dedicated collaborative effort we focus on four key areas to enable the described transition: 1) creating new products and value chains based on Norwegian oak, 2) overcoming the practical challenges of converting (storm-damaged) spruce forest to oak forest considering the unsustainably high browsing pressures, 3) developing the potential for sustainable high-quality oak timber production by management of recent mixed forests with spruce, and 4) analysing the opportunities for a transition to TBL production ensuing from national and international policy and regulations. The project is a collaboration between forestry partners and small enterprises from southern Norway, and researchers in the fields of wood technology, forestry, ecology, environmental economics, and social sciences. 

Vis hele profilen til Björn Nordén

Tor Erik Brandrud

Mycology (Taxonomy and Ecology of Mycorrhizal Fungi), Ecology of Aquatic macrophytes (Higer Plants and Mosses, including Aquatic Weeds; Effect Studies and Management), Vegetation ecology, Acidification Research, Nature conservancy and management (freshwater and terrestrial anvironments), Biodiversity

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Egil Bendiksen

Botanikk, mykologi, skogøkologi, miljøgradienter i skog, arts-og arealforvaltning, truete og sårbare arter.

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Rannveig Margrete Jacobsen

Skog, insektøkologi, samspill mellom arter, nedbrytning, død ved, fremmede arter

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Jørgen Rosvold

Leader in NINA with special responsibilities for coordinating:
- NINAs international work
- Alien species
- Threatened species
- Entomology
- Carbon and soil science
- Large botanical and entomological monitoring projects like: ANO and National insect monitoring

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Markus A.K. Sydenham

Vis hele profilen til Markus A.K. Sydenham

Zander Venter

Vegetasjonsøkologi, økosystemtjenester, forurensning, fjernmåling (satellitt- og fly), GIS.

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Frode Fossøy

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Jiska Joanneke Van Dijk

  • Completed course Transformational leadership for sustainability (cCHANGE, Oslo): 2019
  • Completed Teachers training (pedagogic & didactic) - Environmental Education: June 2015
  • Working in the field of Human behaviour, transformative change and sustainability
  • Working in the field of landscape ecology and landscape planning issues
  • Working in the field of inter and transdisciplinary research
  • Working in the field of Ecosystem Services and valuation
  • Strong in participatory prosesses and dialogues
  • Strong in Science-Policy Interface processes (Alternet & EKLIPSE)
  • Otter expert - Norwegian representative IUCN-Otters SSG
  • Over 15 years of experience in brown bear, wolverine and otter research
  • Extensive field work and working in remote areas, data analyses and writing scientific papers, as well as dissemination of salient results
  • Over 15 years of experience in project coordination, teamwork and supervising students

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Anders Lyngstad

Vis hele profilen til Anders Lyngstad

Thomas Kvalnes

  • Ornitologi, Fugler
  • Artsbestemmelse fugler
  • Økologi
  • Evolusjonsbiologi
  • Bevaringsbiologi
  • Livshistorieteori
  • Demografi
  • Øko-evolusjonær dynamikk
  • Populasjonsdynamikk
  • Populasjonsøkologi
  • Populasjonsgenetikk
  • Kvantitativ genetikk
  • Statististisk modellering
  • Geografiske informasjonssystemer (GIS)

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Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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