Radiomerking av pattedyr
John Odden
Spatial and behavioural ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife conflicts, monitoring of wildlife, conservation biology.
Vis hele profilen til John Odden
Jenny Mattisson
Spatial and behavioural ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife conflicts
Vis hele profilen til Jenny Mattisson
Christer Moe Rolandsen
Vis hele profilen til Christer Moe Rolandsen
Erling Johan Solberg
Major research experience includes: Research in population ecology of cervids (moose, roe deer, red deer and reindeer), particularly related to management topics. Research in population dynamics of fragmented populations of house sparrows, in relation to current conservation biological problems.
Vis hele profilen til Erling Johan Solberg
Olav Strand
Vis hele profilen til Olav Strand
Ole-Gunnar Støen
Vis hele profilen til Ole-Gunnar Støen
Bram Van Moorter
- spatial ecology
- landscape connectivity & green infrastructures
- animal space use and movement ecology
- modeling:
- socio-ecological systems
- agent-based modeling
- adaptive management
- psychology
Vis hele profilen til Bram Van Moorter
Vebjørn Veiberg
- Bestandsøkologi hos hjortevilt (primært hjort og svalbardrein).
- Bestandsovervåking av hjortevilt.
- Studie av livshistoriestrategier hos store planteetere relatert til tannslitasje
- Økologiske effekter av klimaendringer.
- Effekter av menneskelig forstyrrelse på dyreliv
Vis hele profilen til Vebjørn Veiberg
Manuela Panzacchi
Funcional connectivity, movement ecology, spatial ecology, GPS data, movement corridors, Sustainable Land planning tools, Green Infrastructures, habitat selection, ungulates, carnivores, human-wildlife conflicts, sustainable development, adaptive management, reindeer.
Vis hele profilen til Manuela Panzacchi