

Erling Johan Solberg

Major research experience includes: Research in population ecology of cervids (moose, roe deer, red deer and reindeer), particularly related to management topics. Research in population dynamics of fragmented populations of house sparrows, in relation to current conservation biological problems.

Vis hele profilen til Erling Johan Solberg

Christer Moe Rolandsen

Vis hele profilen til Christer Moe Rolandsen

Morten Heim

Vis hele profilen til Morten Heim

Jørgen Rosvold

Leader in NINA with special responsibilities for coordinating:
- NINAs international work
- Alien species
- Threatened species
- Entomology
- Carbon and soil science
- Large botanical and entomological monitoring projects like: ANO and National insect monitoring

Vis hele profilen til Jørgen Rosvold

Inger Maren Rivrud

Vis hele profilen til Inger Maren Rivrud

Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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