Publikasjonsliste for Elisabet Forsgren
*Barber, I., Davies, A.J., Ironside, J.E., Forsgren, E. & Amundsen, T. 2009. First record of a
Kabatana sp. microsporidium infecting fish in the Atlantic Ocean. - Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 83: 145-152.
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Brattelid, T., Forsgren, E., Hansen, T., Aas-Hansen, Ø., Fivelstad, S., Bæverfjord, G., Ramstad, A. & Stenevik, I.H. 2009. Fisk i forskning - miljøkrav og velferdsindikatorer hos fisk. - Norecopa, Oslo. 104 pp.
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*de Jong, K., Wacker, S., Amundsen, T. & Forsgren, E. 2009. Do operational sex ratio and density affect mating behaviour? An experiment on the two-spotted goby. - Animal Behaviour 78(5). 1229–1238.
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*Mobley, K.B., Amundsen, T., Forsgren, E., Svensson, P.A. & Jones, A.G. 2009.
Multiple mating and a low incidence of cuckoldry for nest-holding males in the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens. - BMC Evolutionary Biology 9(6). [10 pp].
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*Svensson, P.A., Pélabon, C., Blount, J.D., Forsgren, E., Bjerkeng, B. & Amundsen, T. 2009. Temporal variability in a multicomponent trait: nuptial coloration of female two-spotted gobies. - Behavioral Ecology 20: 346-353.
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Ahnesjö, I., Forsgren, E. & Kvarnemo, C. 2008. Chapter 8: Variation in sexual selection in fishes. - p. 303-335 in Magnhagen, C., Braithwaite, V.A., Forsgren, E. & Kapoor, B.G. (eds.) Fish behaviour. Science Publishers, Enfield (US).
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*Sköld, H.N., Amundsen, T., Svensson, P.A., Mayer, I., Bjelvenmark, J. & Forsgren, E. 2008. Hormonal regulation of female nuptial coloration in a fish. - Hormones and Behavior 54: 549-556.
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*Borg, Å.A., Forsgren, E. & Amundsen, T. 2006. Seasonal change in female choice for male size in the two-spotted goby. - Animal Behaviour 72: 763-771. Elsevier, London.
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*Borg, Å.A., Rosenqvist, G., Amundsen, T. & Forsgren, E. 2006. Presence of same sex individuals negatively affects egg maturation in female guppies (
Poecilia reticulata). - Behaviour 143: 747-761. Koninkliijk Brill, Leiden.
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*Pélabon, C., Borg, Å.A., Bjelvenmark, J., Barber, I., Forsgren, E. & Amundsen, T. 2005. Do microsporidian parasites affect courtship in two-spotted gobies?. - Marine Biology 148: 189-196. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
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*Svensson, P.A., Forsgren, E., Amundsen, T. & Sköld, H.N. 2005. Chromatic interaction between egg pigmentation and skin chromatophores in the nuptial coloration of female two-spotted gobies. - Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 4391-4397. The Company of Biologists, Cambridge.
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*Forsgren, E., Amundsen, T., Borg, Å.A. & Bjelvenmark, J. 2004. Unusually dynamic sex roles in a fish. - Nature 429(3): 551-554. Macmillan, London.
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*Amundsen, T. & Forsgren, E. 2003. Male preference for colourful females affected by male size in a marine fish. - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54: 55-64. Springer, New York.
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*Bjelvenmark, J. & Forsgren, E. 2003. Effects of mate attraction and male-male competition on paternal care in a goby. - Behaviour 140: 55-69. Koninkliijk Brill NV, Leiden.
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*Pélabon, C., Borg, Å.A., Bjelvenmark, J., Forsgren, E., Barber, I. & Amundsen, T. 2003. Do male two-spotted gobies prefer large fecund females?. - Behavioral Ecology 14(4): 787-792. International Society for Behavioral Ecology.
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*Swensson, O. & Forsgren, E. 2003. Male mating success in relation to food availability in the common goby. - Journal of Fish Biology 62: 1217-1221. Blackwell, London.
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*Borg, Å.A., Forsgren, E. & Magnhagen, C. 2002. Plastic sex-roles in the common goby - the effect of nest availability. - Oikos 98: 105-115. Munksgaard, Copenhagen.
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Forsgren, E., Reynolds, J.D. & Berglund, A. 2002. Behavioural ecology of reproduction in fish. - 225-247 in Hart, P.B. & Reynolds, J.D. (eds.) Handbook of fish biology and fisheries. Volum 1 Fish biology. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
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*Oliveira, R.F., Almada, V.C., Goncalves, E.J., Forsgren, E. & Canario, A.V.M. 2001. Androgen levels and social interactions in breeding males of the peacock blenny. - Journal of Fish Biology 58: 897-908. Blackwell, London.
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