Publikasjonsliste for Roald Vang
Bevanger, K., Bartzke, G., Brøseth, H., Gjershaug, J.O., Hanssen, F., Jacobsen, K.-O., Kvaløy, P., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O., Refsnæs, S., Stokke, S. & Vang, R. 2009.
” Optimal design and routing of power lines; ecological, technical and economic perspectives” (OPTIPOL). Progress Report 2009. - NINA Rapport 504 Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), Trondheim.
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Bevanger, K., Berntsen, F.E., Clausen, S., Dahl, E.L., Flagstad, Ø., Follestad, A., Halley, D., Hanssen, F., Hoel, P.L., Johnsen, L., Kvaløy, P., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O., Steinheim, Y. & Vang, R. 2009.
”Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway”(BirdWind). Progress Report 2009. - NINA Rapport 505. 70 pp. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), Trondheim.
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Bevanger, K., Clausen, S., Dahl, E.L., Flagstad, Ø., Follestad, A., Gjershaug, J.O., Halley, D., Hanssen, F., Hoel, P.L., Jacobsen, K.-O., Johnsen, L., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O., Steinheim, Y. & Vang, R. 2008.
“Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind tur-bines in coastal Norway”. Progress Report 2008. - NINA Rapport 409. 55 pp. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), Trondheim.
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