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Tirkaso, W.T., Gren, I-M., Sandin, L., Segersten, J., Spjut, D. and Degerman, E. (2018). Biodiversity restoration and renewable energy from hydropower: conflict or synergy? In: Biodiversity. Bulent, S. (Ed). InTech, Rijeka, Croatia.

Verdonschot, P.F.M., Hering, D. Murphy, J., Jähnig, S.C., Rose, N.L., Graf, W., Brabec, K. & Sandin, L. (2010). Climate change and the hydrology and morphology of freshwater ecosystems. In: Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems. Kernan, M, Batterbee, R. & Moss, B. (eds).

Hering, D., Haidekker, A., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Barker, T., Buisson, L., Graf, W., Grenouillet, G., Lorenz, A., Sandin, L. & Stendera, S. (2010). Indicators for the response of freshwater ecosystems and assemblages to climate change. In: Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems. Kernan, M, Batterbee, R. & Moss, B. (eds).

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