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Vasilijevic, M., Erg, B., Pokrajac, S. (2018). State of Nature Conservation Systems in South-Eastern Europe. Gland, Switzerland and Belgrade, Serbia: IUCN ECARO.
Pulsford, I., Lindenmayer, D., Wyborn, C., Lausche, B., Vasilijevic, M. and Worboys, G.L. (2015). Connectivity Conservation Management. In: Worboys, G.L., Lockwood, M., Kothari, A., Feary, S. and Pulsford, I. Protected Area Governance and Management. Canberra: ANU Press. 
Vasilijevic, M., Zunckel, K., McKinney, M., Erg, B., Schoon, M., Rosen Michel, T. (2015). Transboundary Conservation: A systematic and integrated approach. Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No. 23, Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. xii +107 pp.
McCallum, J., Vasilijevic, M., Cuthill, I. (2014). Assessing the Benefits of Transboundary Protected Areas: A questionnaire survey in the Americas and the Caribbean. Journal of Environmental Management 149, 245-252. 
Erg, B., Vasilijevic, M., McKinney, M. (eds). (2012). Initiating Effective Transboundary Conservation: A practitioner's guideline based on the experience from the Dinaric Arc. Gland, Switzerland and Belgrade, Serbia: IUCN Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe. ix+ 98pp.
Vasilijevic, M., Pezold, T., Spangenberg, A., Schneider-Jacoby, M., Carius, F. (2012). Grenzüberschreitender Naturschutz auf dem Westbalkan. Natur und Landschaft 9/10 (87), 425-429. 
Vasilijevic, M., Pezold, T. (eds.). (2011). Crossing Borders for Nature. European examples of transboundary conservation. Gland, Switzerland and Belgrade, Serbia: IUCN Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe. viii + 72pp.
Vasilijevic, M. (2010). Dinaric Arc Initiative–A Framework for Sustainable Development and Conservation of the Dinaric Alps region. In: Europe’s Ecological Backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains. Copenhagen: European Environment Agency. 

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