
The second call from The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research for 2024 is now open
9. October 2024
The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research (NKV) has announced its second 2024 open call. Head over to The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research website to apply for funding. You can apply for funding for workshops (organization or attendance), symposia...
Researchers map the world’s fungi with airborne DNA
10. July 2024

Quick and cost-effective mapping of biodiversity have been invisible, and yet right under our noses. The results are now published in Nature.

New digital portal shows interbreeding between wild and farmed Atlantic salmon
26. June 2024

Now you can easily see how much farmed salmon interbreeds with wild Atlantic salmon.

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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