Telephone: +47 948 13 665
NINA akvatisk naturmangfold
Knowledge areas
Demography, life history, population dynamics, capture–mark–recapture modelling, population viability analysis, climate impact research, dispersal, invasion biology, method development, phylogenetic comparative method, systematic biology, philosophy of science
Key qualifications
Alien species, biostatistics, climate change, conservation biology, EU Water Framework Directive, evolutionary biology, population ecology, seabirds
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (researcher, 2008–17)
- Imperial College (guest researcher, 2006)
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (post-doc., 2005–07)
- Bodø University College (lecturer, 2002–05)
- University of Tromsø (lecturer, 2000–02)
- University of Tromsø (assistent teacher, 1997)
- NINA (field leader, 1996–98)
- Tromsø University Museum (field assistent, 1995–96)
- University of Braunschweig (field assistent, 1994)