Ola Håvard Diserud

  Telephone: +47 932 18 823
 Department:  NINA laksefisk

Knowledge areas

Statistical methods and modeling, monitoring methods, population size estimation and dynamics, biodiversity analysis, species abundance models and community structure, life history modeling for salmonids

Key qualifications

Applied statistical modelling, multivariate analysis, interactions between aquaculture and wild salmonids, biodiversity, population and community dynamics.


1994-1999: PhD in Biostatistics, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

1988-1993: Sivilingeniør in Statistics, NTH - Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

2009-present: Senior Research Scientist, Norwegian Institute of Nature Research - NINA.
2007-2017: Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and technology - NTNU. 
2013-present Member of Centre of Excellence CBD (Centre of Biodiversity Dynamics), NTNU, Norway. (
2008-2009 Visiting scholar at University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. 
2004-2009 Research Scientist at NINA.
2000-2004 Research Scientist at the Norwegian Pulp and Paper Research
Institute - PFI.
1999-2000 Associate Professor at the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU. 
1994-1999 Ph.D.-student, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU.
1994 University Teacher in Statistics, NTNU.
1993-1994 Teacher in Physics and Mathematics at College.


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