Employee info

Ann Kristin Schartau
Position:    Senior Research Scientist

  Telephone: +47 934 39 548
  E-mail: ann.schartau@nina.no
Area:  Nature, Land and Society
Research group:  Aquatic and Spatial Ecology
Office:  OSLO

Knowledge areas

Freshwater ecology, biodiversity, monitoring, zooplankton, microcrustaceans, invertebrates, standardization, Water Framework Directive, water-types, water chemistry, pollution, acidification, liming, heavy metals

Key qualifications

Major practical experiences cover project management concerning research and monitoring in freshwater (rivers and lakes) and in marine environments (estuarine and coastal waters). Specialization on freshwater biodiversity and water quality. Project leader for several national projects on implementation of the EC Water Framework Directive in Norway: Design of a National Monitoring Network for Reference Sites, Design of a National Network for Surveillance monitoring in freshwaters, Evaluation of methods for monitoring and assessment of freshwaters c.f. the WFD. Experience from international work on standardization of biological methods, and different aspects related to the implementation of the ECC’s Water Framework Directive.


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Ann Kristin Schartau

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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