Employee info

Marianne Evju
Position:    Senior Research Scientist

  Telephone: +47 975 47 814
  E-mail: marianne.evju@nina.no
Area:  Nature, Land and Society
Research group:  Terrestrial Ecology and Nature Capital
Office:  OSLO

Knowledge areas
I am a plant ecologist with a PhD on sheep grazing effects on alpine vegetation. I am particularly interested in how human activities affect biodiversity, in particular plants and vegetation. I work with different research and monitoring projects of species and habitats, in particular on effects of management interventions on ecological condition of threatened species and habitats. 

Key qualifications

plant ecology, monitoring of biodiversity, nature types, demography and population dynamics, plant-herbivore interactions


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Marianne Evju

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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