Telephone: +47 944 26 056
Nature, Land and Society
Research group:
Key qualifications
Topics: Psychological oriented anthropology, person- centered ethnography, emotion work, social and environmental diversity, nature and outdoor recreation, childhoods.
Regional interests: Norway (Oslo), USA
SAMKUL 2020-2024: Emotional and digital identity work: Cross cultural experiences, class and gender among young urban adults situated in an urban setting
During my doctoral work (see below), I followed youth who participated in organized outdoor life throughout childhood and adolescence. The present study follows key participants further and incorporates their new networks. During six months of fieldwork, an understanding of these urban young adults everyday life is sought. A special focus is placed on how they apply and relate to their smartphones. What significance does digital platforms have in their everyday lives when it comes to social gatherings, movements and experiences of their close and more distant surroundings and friendships. In a time when everything can be shared with a multitude of people at once, where is the boundary between the private and the public drawn? The study is part of the larger research project : Private Lives: Embedding Sociality at Digital Kitchen-tables. Get to know the project better here.
Doctoral work 2018: Equilibrium Poems; An ethnographic study on how experiences in and with Norwegian friluftsliv challenge and nurture youths' emotion work in everyday life.
Through my doctoral work an understanding of youth’s fight for and resistance against different forms of emotional investments, both to places and people was sought. This effort provided a focus on the youths’ selves and subjective meetings with friluftsliv (a Norwegian term that defines certain ways of being in the outdoors, in terms of recreation and leisure), places and people. With the point of departure in participant observation, thus in shared experiences with the youth, I employed the terms emotional belonging and social death. The terms grew out of and are visualized through analyzes of how youth struggle to make room for their own desires without breaking the social and moral codes laid down by the people significant to them.
- The Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association project funding, 2019
- Fritt Ords (Free Words) script development funding, 2019
- Winner of the American Anthropological Associations’ Photo Contest, 2018, with the photo "Tasting Nature"
- Travel grant for UiO-students, University of Oslo 2006