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Publikasjonsliste for David N. Barton fra 1992 til og med 2010

Articles in peer reviewed journals (published)

Barton D. N., S. Navrud , H. Bjørkeslett, I. Lilleby (2009) Economic benefits of large scale remediation of contaminated marine sediments—A literature review and an application to the Grenland Fjords in Norway. Journal of Soil and Sediments. ISSN 1439-0108 (Print) 1614-7480 (Online) DOI 10.1007/s11368-009-0158-x

Barton, D.N., D. Faith, G. Rusch, H. Acevedo, L. Paniagua, M.Castro (2009), Environmental service payments: Evaluating biodiversity conservation trade-offs and cost efficiency in the Osa Conservation Area, Costa Rica, Journal of Environmental Management 90, pp 901-911

D.N. Barton , T. Saloranta, S.J. Moe, H.O. Eggestad, and S. Kuikka, (2008) Bayesian belief networks as a meta-modelling tool in integrated river basin management — Pros and cons in evaluating nutrient abatement decisions under uncertainty in a Norwegian river basin. Ecological Economics 66, 91–104. Special Issue: Integrated River Basin Modelling for Effective and Sustainable Water Management. Eds. R. Brouwer and M. Hofkes

Saloranta T., J.M. Armitage, H. Haario, K. Næs, I.T. Cousins, D.N. Barton (2008) Modeling the Effects and Uncertainties of Contaminated Sediment Remediation Scenarios in a Norwegian Fjord by Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 200–206

Barton D.N., T. Saloranta, T.H. Bakken, A.L. Solheim, J. Moe, J.R. Selvik and N. Vagstad (2005). Using Bayesian network models to incorporate uncertainty in the economic analysis of pollution abatement under the Water Framework Directive. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. Vol.5, No.6, pp.95-104.

Barton, D.N. and S. Mourato (2003), ” Transferring the benefits of avoided health effects from water pollution between Portugal and Costa Rica”, Environment and Development Economics (8: 351-371, 2003).

Barton, D.N (2002), ”The Transferability of Benefit Transfer: contingent valuation of water quality improvements in Costa Rica”, Ecological Economics (42: 147-164, 2002).

Articles in peer reviewed journals (submitted)

Barton, D.N. and O. Bergland (forthcoming) Valuing irrigation water using a choice experiment: an “individual status quo” modelling of farm specific water scarcity. Environment and Development Economics. (accepted with minor revisions 2009).

Barton, D.N. T. Saloranta, K. Næs, I. Cousins, J. Armitage (forthcoming). Cost-risk analysis of large scale remediation of contaminated sediments in Norway. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM) (accepted subject to major revisions 2009)

Barton, D.N. and A. Taron (submitted) Valuing irrigation water using survey-based methods in the Tungabhadra River Basin, India. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. (submitted 2009)

Bateman, I.J.; R. Brouwer; S. Ferrini; M. Schaafsma; D.N. Barton; A.Dubgaard; B. Hasler; S. Hime; I Liekens; S. Navrud; L. De Nocker; R Šceponaviciute; D. Semeniene (submitted). Making Benefit Transfers Work: Deriving and testing principles for value transfers for similar and dissimilar sites using a case study of the non-market benefits of water quality improvements across Europe. Environmental and Resource Economics (submitted 2009)


Berge D., D.N. Barton, D.K.Nhung, I. Nesheim (2010) Environmental Flow (Chapter 9). In Science, Policy and Stakeholders in Water Management. An Integrated Approach to River Basin Management. Edited By Geoffrey Gooch and Per Stålnacke. Earthscan.

Brouwer R. , D. N. Barton and F. Oosterhuis (2010) Economic methods, models and instruments for the Water Framework Directive Vol 2 Integrated Assessment for Water Framework Directive Implementation: Data, Economic and Human Dimension. The Harmoni-CA concerted action group supported by the European Commission. ISBN 9781843393269

Barton, D. N. (2007). How much is enough? The value of information from benefit transfers in a policy-context. In Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods (Economics of Non-market Goods & Resources Vol. 9) Eds. S.Navrud and R.Ready. Springer.

Furst, E., D.N. Barton, and G. Jimenez (2000), ”Latin American Case Studies” in J. Rietbergen-McCracken and Hussein Abaza (2000)(eds.) Environmental Valuation: A Worldwide Compendium of Case Studies. UNEP and Earthscan Publications, London. pp. 151-196. ISBN:1853836958.

Scientific Conference papers

Barton, D.N., Rusch, G., May, P., Ring, I., Unnerstall, H., Santos, R., Antunes, P., Brouwer, R., Grieg-Gran, M., Similä, J., Primmer, E., Romeiro, A., DeClerck, F. and Ibrahim, M. (2009): Assessing the role of economic instruments in a policy mix for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision: a review of some methodological challenges. 11th International BIOECON Conference on Economic Instruments to Enhance the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. Venice, Italy, September 21-22, 2009

Barton, D.N. (2008) Willingness to pay for reducing algal blooms at beaches – a benefit transfer test of choice experiment data from Varna and Mallorca. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 16th Annual Conference. 25-28 June 2008 Gotheburg.

Barton D.N., T. Saloranta, K. Næs, I. Cousins, J.Armitage (2006) SedFlex – Integrated Ecological and Economic Risk Analysis for Remediation of Contaminated Sediments in Norway. 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC 2006, Nice, France

D.N. Barton, T.Saloranta, T.H. Bakken, A.L. Solheim, J. Moe, J.R. Selvik, N. Vagstad (2005). Using Bayesian Network Models to Incorporate Uncertainty in the Economic Analysis of Pollution Abatement Measures under the Water Framework Directive. Paper presented to the IWA IWA International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics, and Finance Rethymno, Greece, 8-10 July 2005

Barton D.N. (2003) How much is enough? The value of information from benefit transfers in policy-context. Paper presented at the Biannual Congress of the European Association for Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Bilbao, June 28-30, 2003.

Academic theses

Barton, D.N. (1999), “The Quick, the Cheap, and the Dirty. Benefit transfer approaches to the non-market valuation of coastal water quality in Costa Rica”, Ph.D. thesis. No. 1999-34, Agricultural University of Norway.

Barton, D.N. (1995), "Valoración Económica Parcial de Alternativas de Manejo para los Humedales de Térraba-Sierpe, Costa Rica". M.Sc. thesis in Economic Policy, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.

Barton, D.N. (1992), "L´introduction d´une taxe energie-CO2 dans la Communauté Européenne - le jeux des acteurs après la Conférence de Rio”. M.Sc. thesis, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration(NHH) / Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC)

Published Reports (principle author)

Barton, D.N. og B. Dervo (2009) Benefit cost analysis of flood protection. A methodology assessment with an example from Skarvvollene. (in Norwegian) NINA Report 464.

Barton, D.N. (2008) Sedflex –uncertainty analysis of remediation cost for contaminated marine sediments. NIVA Report 5320-2008.

Barton D.N., T. Saloranta, T.H. Bakken, A.L. Solheim, J. Moe, J.R. Selvik and N. Vagstad (2006). Using belief networks in pollution abatement planning. Example from Morsa catchment, South Eastern Norway. NIVA Report 5213-2006.

Barton, D.N.(2005) Concepts for Determining the Costs of Alternative Resettlement Strategies for Third Party Compensation Arrangements. Water Resource Management on the Golan Heights. 1st Reference Document for the publication: Trondalen, J.M. (2008) “Water and Peace for the People – Possible Solutions to Water Disputes in The Middle East”. Water and Conflict Resolution Series. UNESCO-HP.

Navrud, S. and D.N. Barton (2005) ”Benefit-cost analysis of the Rein Fjord project” NIVA Report to Telemark County, 30. December 2005 (mimeo in Norwegian)

Barton, D.N., F.Ruden, E. Lindblom (2005). Ranking of Management and Control (MC) Measures Lake Wuliangsuhai Restoration Project . Report Inner Mongolia Lake Restoration Project. NIVA/IVL for NORAD and SIDA. NIVA Report 5397-2007.

Barton, D.N. (2005) Economic analysis of alternative allocations of water in Lake Wuliangsuhai Basin, Inner Mongolia. SP1 Report Inner Mongolia Lake Restoration Project. NIVA/IVL for NORAD and SIDA.

Barton D.N. (2005) Análisis de factibilidad de inversiones en turismom sostenible en Parque Nacional Braulillo Carrillo y sus zonas de influencia. Consultancy Report for Inter-American Development Bank. NINA, NIVA, INBio, July 2005. 29 pp.

Barton D.N. (2005) Análisis de factibilidad de inversiones en turismom sostenible en Parque Nacional Corcovado y sus zonas de influencia. Consultancy Report for Inter-American Development Bank. NINA, NIVA, INBio, July 2005. 30 pp.

Barton D.N. (2005) Análisis de factibilidad de inversiones en turismo sostenible en Parque Nacional Manuel Antonion y sus zonas de influencia. Consultancy Report for Inter-American Development Bank. NINA, NIVA, INBio, February 2005. 30 pp.

Barton, D.N. and M. Miranda (2004) Priorización de 39 áreas silvestres protegidas de Costa Rica para el desarrollo de turismo sotensible. Proyecto “Costa Rica: Turismo sostenible en Áreas Silvestres Protegidas”. Consultancy Report for Inter-American Development Bank. NINA, NIVA, INBio, October 2004. 21 pp.

Barton, D.N. G. Rusch, J. O.Gjershaug, D. P.Faith, L. Paniagua (2004). TARGET as a tool for prioritising biodiversity conservation payments on private land - a sensitivity analysis. NIVA Report SNR 4859/2004.

Barton, D.N. D. Faith, G. Rusch, J.O. Gjershaug , M.Castro, M. Vega and E.Vega (2003). Spatial prioritisation of environmental service payments for biodiversity protection. NIVA Report SNR 4746/2003.

Barton, D. N. (2002): Evaluation of economic aspects of the Bergen Port sediment management plan (in Norwegian). NIVA Notat N-03/019. Tiltaksplan for Bergen Havn (2002) for Fylkesmannens miljøvernavdeling, Hordaland. Av NIVA, NGI, Interconsult i samarbeid med Asplan Viak Bergen AS, Universitetet i Bergen og NCC Anlegg.

Barton, D.N.(2002) Perfiles de Proyectos. Estudio Agroecológico y de Drenaje Pluvial de la Subcuenca III de la Cuenca Sur del Lago de Managua. Consultancy Report. Interconsult International. June 2002.

Barton, D.N.(2002) Análisis de Factibilidad Económica de Mitigación de Inundaciones en la Subcuenca III. Estudio Agroecológico y de Drenaje Pluvial de la Subcuenca III de la Cuenca Sur del Lago de Managua. Consultancy report. Interconsult International. October 2002.

Barton, D.N. (1999), ”The Transferability of Benefit Transfer - An Experiment in Varying the Context of Willingness-to-Pay for Water Quality Improvement”, Discussion Paper #D-10/1999, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway.

Barton, D.N. (1999), ”Quick and Dirty: Transfering the Benefits of Avoided Health Effects from Water Pollution between Developed and Developing Countries”, Discussion Paper #D-9/1999, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway.

Barton, D.N. (1998), “Applying NOAA Panel recommendations to contingent valuation studies in developing countries - a case study of coastal water quality in Costa Rica”. Working Paper No. 24-1998, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway.

Barton, D.N. (1996), "Partial Valuation and Complementary Decision-Making Criteria in the Management of the Térraba-Sierpe Mangroves, Costa Rica". SMR Report 24/96, Center for Studies of Environment and Resources (SMR), University of Bergen.

Barton, D.N. and J.A. Vargas (eds.) (1995), "Integrated coastal zone management in Central America. Applications to the coastal systems of Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. Report from an international workshop, November 1993 and follow-up meetings in 1994, San José, Costa Rica." SMR Report 19/95, Centre for Studies of Environment and Resources (SMR), University of Bergen

Barton, D.N. (1994), "Economic Factors and Valuation of Tropical Coastal Resources", SMR Report 14/94, Centre for Studies of Environment and Resources (SMR), University of Bergen

Published Reports (co-author):

Skarbøvik,E., B.Glover, D.N. Barton et al.(2006). Forslag til metodikk for fastsettelse av miljømål i sterkt modifiserte vannforekomster. Med eksempler fra Numedalslågen. NIVA Report 5266-2006. in cooperation with Multiconsult, SINTEF, UiO-LFI

Berge, D., D.N. Barton, F.Moy, L. Størset, E. Førde, T. Østerdahl (2004). Demonstrasjonsprosjekt for implementering av EUs Vanndirektiv i Suldalsvassdraget med utenforliggende fjordområder. Fase 2: Skisse til veiledere for karakteriseringsoppgavene i 2004. NIVA Rapport 4753-2004, NIVA.

Berge, D., J. A. Berge, D.N. Barton, A. Gaute, T. Tjomsland, B. Rygg, S. Turtumøygard, L.Øygarden, P.Kraft, E. Dahl (2004). Karakterisering - Numedalslågen med utenforliggende fjordområdet. NIVA Rapport 4784-2004, NIVA: 141.

Skiple Ibrekk, A., D.N. Barton, O. Lindholm, N. H. Vagstad, Eigil Iversen, D. Berge (2004) Systematic evaluation of environmental remediation measures and proposed methods for improving impact analysis under the Water Framework Directive (in Norwegian) NIVA Rapport 4777 – 2004.

Lyche Solheim, A., S. A. Borgvang, N. Vagstad, D.N. Barton, L. Øygarden, S. Turtumøygard, Å.Brabrand, P.K. Røhr (2003). Demonstrasjonsprosjekt for implementering av EUs Vanndirektiv i Vannsjø-Hobøl. Fase 2: Skisse til veildere for karakteriseringsoppgavene i 2004, samt forslag til overvåkningsprogram, NIVA.

N. Siripala, Barton, D.N., S. Navrud, P.Gunawardena, S. Perera (2003) Procedures for Economic Valuation of Resources and Accounting of Oil Spill Damages. Institutional Strengthening of the Oil Spill Contingency Management Project. Marine Pollution Prevention Authority, Sri Lanka. INSTCOM-Report 05-2003. (also NIVA Report 5396-2007).

Popular science and press articles:

Barton, D.N. and G. Rusch (2009) Pagos Por Servicios Ambientales: Evaluando Compromisos y Costo-Efectividad en la Conservación de la Biodiversidad en el Área de Conservación Osa, Costa Rica. SinergiAmbiental.

Magnussen, K. D.N. Barton, E. Romstad (2003) Full cost pricing of water services – a discussion of implementation principles in Norway (in Norwegian). Vann-4-2003.

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