Publication list for employee

Other publications

Nilsson, A. L. K., Reitan, T., Skaugen, T., L’Abée-Lund, J. H., Gamelon, M., Jerstad, K., Røstad, O.W., Slagsvold, T., Stenseth, N.C., Vøllestad, L. A., and Walseng, B. 2020. Location is everything, but climate gets a share: analyzing small-scale environmental influences on breeding success in the white-throated dipper. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:542846.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Skaugen, Reitan, T., T., L’Abée-Lund, J. H., Gamelon, M., Jerstad, K., Røstad, O.W., Slagsvold, T., Stenseth, N.C., Vøllestad, L. A., and Walseng, B. 2020. Hydrology influences breeding time in the white-throated dipper. BMC Ecology 20:70.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Slagsvold, T., Røstad, O. W., Knudsen, E., Jerstad, K., Cadahia, L., Reitan, T., Helberg, M., Walseng, B., and Stenseth, N. C. 2019. Territory location and quality together with climate affects the timing of breeding. Scientific Reports 9:767. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43792-5

Gamelon, M., Tufto, J., Nilsson, A. L. K., Jerstad, K., Røstad, O. W., Stenseth, N. C., and Sæther, B.-E. 2018. Environmental drivers of varying selective optima in a small passerine: a multivariate, multiepisodic approach. Evolution 72: 2325-2342. doi: 10.1111/evo.13610

Nilsson, A. L. K., L’Abée-Lund, J. H., Vøllestad, L. A., Jerstad, K., Røstad, O.W., Skaugen, T., Stenseth, N.C., and Walseng, B. 2017. The breeding of a passerine bird, the white-throated dipper Cinclus cinclus, and the potential influence of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta. Ecology and Evolution 8: 4065-4073. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3958

Cadahia, L., Labra, A., Knudsen, E., Nilsson, A., Lampe, H. M., Slagsvold, T., and Stenseth, N.-C. 2017. Advancement of spring arrival in a long-term study of a passerine bird: sex, age and environmental effects. Oecologia 184: 917-929. doi: 10.1007/s00442-017-3922-4

Gamelon, M., Grøtan, V., Nilsson, A. L. K., Engen, S., Hurrell, J. W., Jerstad, K., Phillips, A. S., Røstad, O. W., Slagsvold, T., Walseng, B., Stenseth, N. C., and Sæther, B.-E. 2017. Interactions between demography and environmental effects are important determinants of population dynamics. Science Advances 3: e1602298.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Nilsson, J-Å. and Mettke-Hofmann, C. 2016. Energy reserves, information need and a pinch of personality determine decision-making on route in partially migratory blue tits. PLOS ONE 11(10): e0163213.

Skaugen, T., Peerebom, P. I. and Nilsson, A. 2015. Use of a parsimonious rainfall-run-off model for predicting hydrological response in ungauged basins. Hydrological Processes 29: 1999-2013.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Knudsen, E., Jerstad, K., Røstad, O. W., Walseng, B., Slagsvold, T., and Stenseth, N. C. 2011. Climate effects on population fluctuations of the white-throated dipper Cinclus cinclus. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 235-243.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Nilsson, J-Å., and Alerstam, T. 2011. Basal metabolic rate and energetic cost of thermoregulation among migratory and resident blue tits. Oikos 120: 1784-1789.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Stige, L.C., Jerstad, K., Røstad, O. W., Slagsvold, T., Knudsen, E., Walseng, B., and Stenseth, N. C. 2011. To make the most of what we have: extracting phonological data from nestling measurements. International Journal of Biometeorology 55: 797-804.

Knudsen, E., Linden, A., Both, C., Jonzén, N., Pulido, F., Saino. N., Sutherland, W. J., Bach, L. A., Coppack, T., Ergon, T., Gienapp, P., Gill, J. A., Gordo, O., Hedenström, A., Lehikoinen, E., Marra, P. P., Møller, A. P., Nilsson, A. L. K., Pèron, G. Ranta, E., Rubolini, D., Sparks, T. H., Spina, F., Studds, C. E., Sæther, S. A., Tryjanowski, P., and Stenseth, N. C. 2011. Challenging claims in the study of migratory birds and climate change. Biological Reviews 86: 928-946.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Nilsson, J-Å., and Alerstam, T. and Bäckman, J. 2010. Migratory and resident blue tits Cyanister caeruleus differ in their reaction to a novel object. Naturwissenschaften 97: 981-985.

Nilsson, A. L. K., and Sandell, M. 2009. Stress hormone dynamics – an adaptation to migration? Biology letters 5: 480-483. doi/10.1098/rsbl.2009.0193

Nilsson, A. L. K., Alerstam, T., and Nilsson, J-Å. 2008. Diffuse, short and slow migration among blue tits – adaptive or constrained? Journal of Ornithology 149: 365-373.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Lindström, Å., Jonzén, N., Nilsson, S. G., and Karlsson, L. 2006. The effect of climate change on partial migration – the blue tit paradox. Global Change Biology 12: 2014-2022.

Nilsson, A. L. K., Alerstam, T., and Nilsson, J-Å. 2006. Do partial and regular migrants differ in their responses to weather? The Auk 123: 537-547.

van Noordwijk, A. J., Pulido, F., Helm, B., Coppack, T., Delingat, J., Dingle, H., Hedenström, A., van der Jeugd, H., Marchetti, C., Nilsson, A., and Pérez-Tris, J. 2006. A framework for the study of genetic variation in migratory behaviour. Journal of Ornithology 147: 221-233.

Technical publications

Zinke, P., Nilsson, A. 2021. Plan for vannforvaltning og forslag til tiltak i Nesheimsumpen naturreservat - Trinn 1. Sciencemonastery Rapport 2021-02. 

Holtskog, T., Dervo, B.K., Mjelde, M., Zinke, P., Nygård, M., Hoch, L., Elvigen, S.W., Nilsson, A. 2020. Restaureringsplan for Gjølsjøen - 2020. Dokkadeltaet Våtmarkssenter Rapport 2020-13

Walseng, B., Jerstad, K., Nilsson, A.L.K., Røstad, O.W. 2017. Har kalking resultert i en bedre hekkesuksess hos fossekallen i Lyngdalsvassdraget 1978-2011? pH-status: forum for sur nedbør og kalking 2017 23: 4-6

Jerstad, K., Walseng, B., Nilsson, A.L.K., Røstad, O.W. 2012. The dipper in the River Lyngdalsvassdraget 1978-2011: Has liming improved breeding success? NINA Report 808, 46pp. (In Norwegian with English abstract)

Popular science publications and presentations

2020, revision and extension of blue tit chaper, in Wings over Falsterbo (L. Karlsson, K. Persson, Eds)

November 2019, The role of anthropogenic food sources in gulls – investigating landfill effects on chick production and body condition, International Gull Meeting, Spain

March 2019, Nordic Photobook award, Iceland (invited to hold a popular science presentation about bird migration)

March 2018, Gullfest Vardø, Norway (popular science event about gulls, focused on schoolchildren and the general public)

Torgersen, E. 2016. Sulten blåmeis mest nysgjerrig – hvor lang tid tar det før migrerende blåmeiser begynner å spise i et fremmed miljø?,

Nilsson, A. 2013. Att göra det mesta av vad vi har – en metod att bestämma strömstareungars ålder utifrån biometri. Cinclus Scandinavicus 25

Nilsson, A. 2012. Strömstarens populationsfluktuationer beror på vintervädret. Cinclus Scandinavicus 24: 19-23.

Ulfstrand, S. 2007. Att flytta eller inte flytta. Vår fågelvärld 66 (6): 26-27

Nilsson, A. 2007. Den blågula vågen (sveper in). Anser 46 (4): 257-258

Nilsson, A. 2007. Att flytta ibland – en fråga för blåmesar, invited by the Scanian Ornithological Society meeting, February 5th.

Nilsson, A. March 2006. The blue tit, a different migrant. Naturmorgon, Swedish National Radio (SR).

Nilsson, A. 2004. Blue skies and Blue Tits – co-operating? In Wings over Falsterbo (L. Karlsson, Ed), pp. 119-120. Wallin & Dalholm Boktryckeri AB, Lund.

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