Moose, red deer, roe deer and wild reindeer

Wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Photo: Per Jordhøy

Moose, red deer, roe deer and reindeer

NINA has an extensive portfolio of research projects on moose, red deer, roe deer and wild reindeer.

Over the last century, the Norwegian moose-, red deer-, and roe deer populations have grown rapidly, both in terms of sizes and in terms of distributions. Thus, knowledge to ensure effective management of Norwegian cervids is more important now than ever before.

NINA’s goal is to be involved in a wide range of research on all Norwegian cervids. Some of NINA’s main activities within this field relate to the monitoring of cervids, as well as to projects related to the materials collected through the monitoring program. Research activities include studies on land use, predation, and the impacts of technical interventions. 


Renewable Reindeer

Renewable Reindeer

Mitigating the impact of the network of infrastructures associated to the renewable energy systems while preserving reindeer habitat

Wild reindeer Maps

Wild reindeer Maps

Statistical maps in support to reindeer management & sustainable land planning

Reindeer husbandry and carnivores

Reindeer husbandry and carnivores

The monitoring programme for semi-domestic reindeer in Norway



Map solution that displaying positions of animals equipped with GPS transmitters in various tracking projects under the auspices of NINA