
Photo: Eva B. Thorstad

NINA's research on salmonids

We study salmon, sea trout and arctic char in rivers, lakes, fjords and the sea. NINA is the largest research community studying wild salmonids in Norway. 

NINA’s research contributes to new knowledge about these species, and about the activities that affect them, such as power regulation, fish farming, fishing, alien species, and climate change. NINA's researchers often give advice to managers and politicians related to salmonids. 

NINAs Salmonid Fishes department focuses on both wild salmonids and aquaculture. Additionally NINA employees from other departments work with salmonids across the length of the country, from the south to the north. We also have our own research station, the NINA Ims Research Station, in Rogaland. This research often takes place in collaboration with colleagues from other institutions, both in Norway and abroad, and is of a high international calibre.

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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