Tycho Anker-Nilssen
Position:    Senior Research Scientist

  Telephone: +47 934 66 771
 Department:  Land og biodiversitet

Knowledge areas
Coastal ecosystems, Population ecology, Demographic processes, Trophic interactions, Climate-change responses, Human-induced stressors, Seabird monitoring, Time series analyses

Key qualifications
  • Population biologists with expertise in seabird ecology, including
  • Time-series studies of demography, feeding ecology, trophic interactions and other climate-related responses of seabirds since 1981.
  • National mapping and monitoring of seabird distribution and population trends.
  • Studies of seabird movements (using satellite transmitters and loggers), morphometry and population origin.
  • Environmental impact assessments and vulnerability modelling, e.g. related to seabirds and offshore oil exploration.
  • Well experienced with respect to electronic data processing and statistical analyses.
  • Scientific supervisor for a number of MSc students and some experience as a university lecturer and examiner.
  • Long experience in administration and science managing at the project, programme and department levels, and administrative head of NINA's field station in Røst.

  • June 1992: Dr. scient. (PhD), Univ. Trondheim. Thesis: "Food supply as a determinant of reproduction and population development in Norwegian Puffins Fratercula arctica".
  • June 1985: Cand. real. (MSc), Univ. Oslo. Thesis: "Population structure and reproduction of a box-nesting population of Great Tits Parus major L. in Ringerike".

  • Research scientist, Directorate for nature mangement (to 1988) and NINA (from 1988)
  • 1981-date: Project leader of studies on seabird ecology in Røst, Norland 
  • 2005-2023: Scientific co-ordinator of the SEAPOP programme (
  • 1993-2005: Co-leader of the National seabird monitoring programme and the National seabird mapping registry 
  • 1999-2000: Research Director, Division for Terrestrial Ecology, NINA.
  • 1988-91, 1996-99 and 2000-02: Assistant research director, Division for Terrestrial Ecology, NINA
  • 1988-2004: Project leader of many seabird projects related to offshore oil exploration, including land- and sea-based seabird mapping, modelling of impacts and oil pollution control, and EIAs. 
FORMER WORK (1974-85): Various assignments, Univ. Oslo (totalling 7 years of full employment):
  • Staff member, Oslo Bird Ringing Centre, Zool. Museum Oslo (ZMO) 
  • Scientific and administrative co-worker, Røst Seabird Project (1.5 years). 
  • Quality control of systematics, ZMO collection of foreign bird skins (1 year)
  • Morphometry of auks killed in three different oiling incidents
  • Assistant teacher at a graduate field-course in freshwater ecology (4 terms)
  • Shorter field-work assignments: 
    • Avifaunal inventories (3 seasons)
    • Research on snow bunting migration, Andøya Air Base (3 seasons)
    • Alpine rodent cycles, Finse Research Station (1 season)

  • Communication (2006)
  • Marketing (1997, 1999-2000)
  • Laboratory Animal Science: FELASA category C researcher (1998)
  • Project administration (1994)
  • The Svalbard course (1987)


Norwegian and English excellent, German limited

Conference contributions
Per 2023

  • 16 papers in conference proceedings, including 10 on international events
  • 55 abstracts of conference talks, including 48 on international events
  • 18 posters on international conferences
  • 85 oral conference presentations, including 26 on international events

Professional societies

  • National coordinator of the SEAPOP programme ( (from 2005)
  • Member of Joint ICES/OSPAR/HELCOM Working Group on Seabirds (JWGBird, former WGSE) (from 2000)
  • Member of CAFF Circumpolar Seabird Group (CBird) (from 1995)
  • Member of the Norwegian-Russian Group of Seabird Experts (from 1989)
  • Member of Editorial Board, Seabird (from 2008)


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