Maja Vasilijevic
Position:    Advisor

  Telephone: +47 939 59 335
 Department:  NINA Lillehammer

Key qualifications
Transboundary conservation, protected area governance, transboundary conservation governance, cooperative management, science-policy interrelations, international cooperation, evaluation and coordination of EU grant proposals, international conventions (World Heritage, CBD), policy development, leadership of global professional networks 

2002 Master of Arts (research), Geography, University of Melbourne
1998 Bachelor of Science, Geography, University of Zagreb

2023 - Advisor, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Norway
2022 Advisor, NTNU Oceans, Norway
2020-2023 Thematic Coordinator for Nature and Biodiversity (EU LIFE Programme), NEEMO EEIG, Belgium
2007-2023 Senior Consultant and Founder, Eco Horizon, Norway and Croatia 
Selected work:
Author of IUCN WCPA decision-support tool “Diagnostic tool for transboundary conservation planners”
Author of several IUCN publications
Programme Evaluation and Monitoring Specialist, WWF SEE regional programme on protected areas
Evaluator of EU Grant proposals (LIFE, Interreg)
IUCN WCPA Training Module Designer - initiating transboundary conservation 
Designer and Coordinator of IUCN WCPA project on developing IUCN Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines on transboundary conservation
World Natural Heritage Sites Monitoring and Evaluation Expert, IUCN
Training Programme Coordinator and Trainer at multiple international workshops on transboundary conservation, IUCN WCPA
Global Nature Conservation Policy Designer, adopted at IUCN WCC 2016, IUCN WPC 2014, CBD COP12, CBD COP9
Facilitator of SEE high-level regional agreement on conservation and sustainable development, CBD COP9
2004-2006 Programme Officer, IUCN Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe, Serbia
2002-2004 World Heritage Programme Assistant, IUCN Secretariat, Switzerland
2000-2002 Tutor in “Society and Environment”, University of Melbourne, Australia

Monitoring and Evaluation, online
Training of the EU LIFE Nature and Biodiversity Evaluators, Belgium
Enhancing the IUCN World Heritage Programme-Focus Europe, Germany
Logical Framework Approach, Belgium
TNC Conservation Action Planning, Italy
Training of Trainers in Wetland Management: A course focusing on facilitating multi-stakeholder processes, curriculum development and management planning, Netherlands 
Conflict Resolution, Australia

Croatian, English, Norwegian (basic), Italian (basic) 

Conference contributions
Keynote speaker, Developing a Shared Understanding of the Far Eastern Himalayan Landscape. ICIMOD, online, 2022
Organizer, EU LIFE Platform Meeting: Marine protected area management experiences towards strictly protected areas. LIFE Marha, CINEA, DG Environment, NEEMO, La Rochelle, 2022
Chair, EU Funding for Ecological Restoration Actions: How to develop a successful LIFE proposal. SERE Conference, online, 2021
Moderator and organizer,EU LIFE Platform Meeting: Lessons from LIFE on ecological connectivity towards a coherent, functional and resilient network of protected areas. NEEMO, CINEA, DG Environment, online, 2021
Chair, Nordic Baltic EU LIFE Nature Platform Meeting. NEEMO, online, 2021
Trainer, The ABCs of Transboundary Conservation. IUCN World Conservation Congress, online, 2021
Invited speaker and moderator,Strengthening Regional Cooperation across Transboundary River Basins and Landscapes in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. ICIMOD, Kathmandu, 2018
Invited speaker, International Conference on Transboundary Cooperation for Ecosystem-Based 
Sustainable Development. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Eberswalde, 2017
Invited speaker, EUROPARC TransParcNet Conference, Bad Schandau, 2016 
Organizer and trainer, Hands Across Borders. An International Workshop on Transboundary Conservation. US NPS, Parks Canada, University of Montana, IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group, Glacier National Park, Montana, 2016
Invited speaker, Waterton Glacier International Peace Park Annual Meeting. Rotary International, Glacier National Park, Montana, 2016
Invited speaker, Little Sydney: Protecting Nature in Europe, IUCN Conference, Hainburg, 2015
Organizer, speaker and moderator, Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas. IUCN World Parks Congress, Sydney, 2014
Invited speaker,Innovative Approaches for Landscape Conservation Programmes in the Himalayas. IUCN World Parks Congress, Sydney, 2014
Keynote speaker,International Conference on Conservation and Peaceful Use of the Korean DMZ, Goseong, 2010 
Invited speaker, International Conference: Transboundary Cooperation in the Dinaric Arc, IUCN-WWF-SNV, Capljina, 2010
Organizer and Regional Joint Statement Author, Big Win for Dinaric Arc High-Level Event. CBD COP9, Bonn, 2008 
Organizer, 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress, Bangkok, 2004
Organizer, Vth IUCN World Parks Congress, Durban, 2003

Professional societies
2022 - Senior Advisor in IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group
2020 - Advisory Board Member in Force for Nature
2017-2022 Vice Chair of IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group
2009-2017 Chair of IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group
2014 Governance Ambassador at IUCN World Parks Congress
2016-2018 EU LIFE Nature and Biodiversity Expert Evaluators Panel Member
2003 - Member of IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas
2003 - IUCN World Heritage expert


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