Employee info

Kristin Evensen Mathiesen
Position:    Research Director

  Telephone: +47 907 29 614
  E-mail: kristin.mathiesen@nina.no
Area:  Nature, Land and Society
Research group:  Lillehammer

Knowledge areas
Research management, strategy work, facilitation of collaboration and interaction.
Forskningsledelse, strategiarbeid, og tilrettelegging for samarbeid og samhandling.

In my research I have focused on spatial ecology, wildlife management and conservation. I spent many years working on how the establishment of large carnivores (and the wolf in particular) affected local communities, created conflicts but also created curiosity. I have continued to work with human - wildlife interactions, conflicts,  communication and dialogue work. I have for many years worked as an institute leader, assistant dean and dean additional to be an associate professor in applied ecology.    

I have experence in teaching and supervising bachelor's, master's and PhD-students. 

Key qualifications
  • Ecology, spatial ecology, conservation
  • Geographical scales and conservation of biodiversity 
  • Human - wildlife interactions and conflicts 
  • Large carnivore management and related conflicts
  • Ecology – social science interdisciplinarity

  • Økologi, bevaring av biomangfold
  • Interaksjoner mellom mennesker og store rovdyr
  • Konflikter i bevaring av natur
  • Konflikter grunnet mismatch mellom økologisk geografisk skala og samfunnsinteresser 
  • Tverrfaglig forskning mellom økologi og samfunnsvitenskap


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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