Employee info

Kwaku Peprah Adjei
Position:    Researcher

  Telephone: +47 483 46 681
  E-mail: kwaku.adjei@nina.no
Area:  Land and biodiversity
Research group:  Knowledge Synthesis

Knowledge areas
My work focuses on integrating data from different sources, types (including Citizen Science) and taxonomic resolutions to model species abundance and distribution, whilst accounting for various sources of biases. This requires developing statistical and computational methods to deal with the application-specific challenges, and this is what I enjoy doing. 

Key qualifications
  • Spatio-temporal modelling
  • Data integration
  • Computational statistics
  • Citizen science


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Kwaku Peprah Adjei

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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