Rannveig Margrete Jacobsen

  Telephone: +47 958 14 157
 Department:  NINA Oslo

Knowledge areas
I am a forest ecologists, focusing on insects and fungi in dead wood. I also work with alien species in the project Early detection of new alien species (Tidlig oppdagelse av nye fremmede arter (

Key qualifications
Forests, ecological entomology, species interactions, decomposition, dead wood, alien species


2013 – 2017: Ph.D. in Ecology, The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

Thesis title: The interaction of saproxylic beetles and fungi in dead wood of aspen during colonisation and succession

2011 – 2013: M.Sc. in General Ecology, The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

Thesis title: Scale-specific responses of saproxylic beetles to dead wood abundance and forest characteristics.

2008 – 2011: B.Sc. in Biology, The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).


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