Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Cooperation and expertise for a sustainable future

Conserving Norway's Endangered Arctic Foxes
24. September 2024

Saving the species, one captive-born fox at a time.

Detecting bird sounds across the globe to deliver reliable biodiversity insights
23. September 2024

With data from Norway, Brazil, Taiwan and Costa Rica, a team of researchers show that large-scale monitoring of avian vocalization can deliver immediate applied impact. The results are now published in PNAS.

Modelling tool reveals causes of decline in great black-backs
17. September 2024
By using a combination of different modelling techniques, researchers in SEAPOP have gained detailed insights into how environmental pollutants and climate change may affect the black-backed gull population on Hornøya, both directly and...


NINA Centre for Biodiversity Genetics

Restoration Ecology

Research on and implementation of restoration in aquatic and terrestrial habitats


Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem change

Pink salmon

Monitoring the distribution of pink salmon in Norway

Wild Salmonids

Monitoring populations and ecosystems 

Ecosystem Services

Monitoring populations and ecosystems 

The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research, with broad-based expertise on the genetic, population, species, ecosystem and landscape level, in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal marine environments.

More about NINA


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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