Carbon turnover and sequestration

Photo: Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide / NINA

Carbon in Norwegian ecosystems  

Understanding, protecting and restoring natural carbon within ecosystems is a key nature based solution in the fight against climate change. NINA researchers are studying carbon turnover and sequestration in Norwegian ecosystems and how management practices affect the carbon balance of such ecosystems. 

Physical disturbance on terrestrial ecosystems cause significant losses of carbon from soil to the atmosphere, as well as negative impacts on habitat and species diversity. Despite of their importance, large parts of Norway's land areas are not included in current national carbon accounting. Non-managed and seemingly unproductive ecosystems, such as alpine habitats and peatlands, have a significant ability to sequester and store carbon. 

Restoring ecosystems such as peatlands, wetlands, and old forests can achieve multiple benefits in the form of increased carbon sequestration, reduced emissions and positive effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Through our research and collaborations with stakeholders and landowners, research and industry partners, we aim to help to gain a better understanding of such systems, and show their value in mitigating the effects of climate change.

At NINA, we do research on how applied nature-based solutions and "natural climate measures", such as nature conservation and restoration, can mitigate losses to both carbon and biodiversity. 

We are involved in developing better management practices for increasing carbon sequestration and reducing emissions from ecosystems. We are also working with companies and land-owners in considerations for carbon-loss during infrastructure development in order to reduce the carbon footprint of infrastructure development. Solutions like these align with proposals for measures in the most recent IPCC and IPBES reports. 

Photo: Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide / NINA



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