

International Polar Year - Oslo Science Conference

Published on: 8. June 2010
Author: Camilla Næss

Den største vitenskapelige polarkonferansen noensinne, International Polar year - Oslo Science Conference, åpnet i Oslo i dag.


International Polar Year - Oslo Science Conference
Annika Hofgaard presenterer sin forskning på konferansen. Foto @ O.Rønning/NINA

Hovedtema for konferansen er klimaforskning, og med flere enn 2000 deltakere fra 60 ulike nasjoner er det duket for en særdeles omfangsrik uke. NINA er godt representert med flere foredragsholdere og en rekke postere.

NINA-presentasjoner tirsdag 8.juni:

Tid: 11:15
Sted: Hall B3-B4
Comparing Warming and Grazing Effects on Birch Sapling Growth in the Tundra Environment - a 10 Year Experiment
Tid: 14:00
Sted: Hall B3-B4
Extinctions and Population Persistence at The Boarder of the Arctic Fox Distribution - Building Monitoring Programs Along the Fennoscandian Ridge
NINA-presentasjoner onsdag 10.juni:
Tid: 10:15
Sted: Jan Mayen 3
Strongly increasing blood concentrations of lipid-soluble organochlorines in high arctic common eiders during incubation fast
Sted: Room E5
Dagmar Hagen
Identifying Vulnerable Visitor Sites at Svalbard - Developing a Management Tool
Tid: 14:45
Sted: Room E3
Oxygen isotopes (d18O) extracted from otoliths used as flight recorders to predict the consequences of climate change in High Arctic freshwater fish
NINA-presentasjoner fredag 11.juni:
Tid: 09:30
Sted: Jan Mayen 2
Are Trees Invading the Arctic? Circumpolar Treeline Research During IPY
Tid: 11:30
Sted: Jan Mayen 2
Hans Tømmervik
Changes in growing season length in northernmost Fennoscandia for the 1873 - 2008 period as measured from historical and recent phenology data


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