

New digital portal shows interbreeding between wild and farmed Atlantic salmon
26. June 2024

Now you can easily see how much farmed salmon interbreeds with wild Atlantic salmon.

Nationwide mapping of green infrastructure in Norway
8. April 2024

New statistical models map for the first time suitable habitats and their connectivity, now and in the future, for solitary bees, moose and 14 species of trees. An invaluable tool to identify and prioritise areas for conservation and restoration. 

Documenting nature loss with eyes from the sky and Ai
10. January 2024

NRK enlisted the help of NINA to shed light on a dark reality: while Norwegian nature is being lost bit-fot-bit, no one is watching.

New status indicator for seabird populations
4. January 2024

New indicator for status of seabirds combines population size, adult survival and breeding success.

New Biodiversa+ project on bird conservation launched in Trondheim
22. May 2023

A new EU project launched last week will evaluate changes in bird abundance and distributions in Europe and develop new tools to meet global biodiversity targets for 2030.

Environmental design of wind power ensured American children success in a Lego competition
21. March 2023

American children have been inspired by NINA’s research on painting wind turbine rotor blades black to reduce bird collisions. This has taken them to the top of the First Lego League.

Innovative use of traditional hay meadows can help pollinators
27. January 2023

When the seed rich hay from traditional Norwegian hay meadows is put to use to grow flower meadows in urban areas, both pollinators and people win.  

Funding for research on coastal and offshore wind energy and wildlife
1. July 2022

Two new research projects will investigate the impacts of large-scale development of wind energy along the coast and offshore on migrating birds and marine life.

Increasing threats to animal migration
13. October 2021

The advantages for animals migrating to northern breeding grounds are being eroded, as the animals experience lower food availability, higher pathogen pressure and increased predation rates.

27 Norwegian white-tailed sea eagles successfully released in Ireland and Spain
15. September 2021

The release of Norwegian white-tailed sea eagle fledglings this summer marks a milestone in the restoration of the species in Europe.

From red to green for endangered species
6. September 2021

More than 38 500 species are threatened with extinction globally. A new tool can help reverse this trend.

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Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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