

Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic
31. May 2024

Groundbreaking study uses seabirds as indicators of mercury presence through the North-Atlantic Arctic. Results of grave importance for Arctic communities as concentrations increase from the Barents Sea to the East coast of Canada.

Summer neighbours choose different wintering areas
8. March 2024

Researchers have investigated differences in diet and spatial distribution of Atlantic puffins and black-legged kittiwakes from Røst in the non-breeding season. The results show that even birds of the same species from the same colony may choose different strategies after leaving the nest sites.

Are storms killing seabirds?
21. October 2022

Using a comprehensive set of tracking data from five seabird species in the North Atlantic and a model for estimating energy consumption, researchers have investigated how severe winter storms may impact the seabird community and eventually lead to seabird mass mortality.

Chase the sun or catch prey in twilight?
26. January 2022

How do seabirds find enough food to survive the darkness of winter? In a study on colonies in Great Britain, Iceland and Norway, researchers used geolocators to reveal that European shags adopt various strategies to handle the winter darkness.

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